.hgignore missing webrevs?

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Thu Sep 11 20:56:39 UTC 2014

On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:40 AM, Bradford Wetmore <bradford.wetmore at oracle.com> wrote:

> Thanks, John, I agree.  The pattern I will check in will be:
>    ^webrev
> Thanks,
> Brad
> P.S.  Following the OpenJDK codereview directory layout suggestion [1], I thought about also putting in:
>    ^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
>    8000000/
>        webrev.00
>        webrev.01
> but many directories have that pattern:
>    ./hotspot/test/runtime/7162488
>    ./hotspot/test/runtime/7162488/Test7162488.sh

Yes, that convention doesn't provide a very clear distinction.

Lots of folks have their own private conventions which they support like ~/.hgrc: [ui] ignore = ~/env/hgignore.txt.

FWIW, the one I use the most is having a folder called "Unmanaged".

I can't see an obviously correct general one, so no suggestion from me, other than keeping the number of special names small.

— John

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