How to keep follow up fixes with the original ?

Lana Steuck lana.steuck at
Fri Apr 17 04:28:23 UTC 2015

Hi David,

 > We need something in place to ensure this doesn't happen!

We push to Master after team forests successfully go through the 
following PIT steps:
- full build (hotspot ... install) for all 7 platforms
- fastdebug builds for all 7 platforms
- boot_cycle builds
- extended set of JPRT tests (the failures are getting OK-ed by dev)
- SQE teams are informed and list of fixes are submitted to SQE db
- manual testing of client-libs on main platforms.

The PIT process can be beefed up to cover more scenarios, however 
there's always a cost that comes with it. At the end, it's a balance of 
cost-benefits and potential risks.

 > We need something in place to ensure this doesn't happen!

Do you see a simple way to prevent it? Usually people familiar with the 
fix/issue contact me to let me know if they need an extra PIT restart or 
if they need the PIT to be delayed - I can always move deadline for a 
few hours, even a day if needed - just let me know.

Thank you,

On 04/16/2015 08:07 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> It has happened again that a broken fix, for which there was a quick 
> follow up fix, has been pushed to the master without the follow up fix 
> going with it. So now everyone will potentially be impacted by the bad 
> fix as it propagates back down to all the forests :(
> Bad fix:
> Follow up:
> We need something in place to ensure this doesn't happen!
> David

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