Windows configure error : LZMAPATH

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at
Fri Apr 24 16:56:18 UTC 2015

Got the same issue when I try to build jdk8u-dev. But everything is ok 
in jdk9.

On 18.03.2015 2:57, Phil Race wrote:
> I'll admit its been a few weeks since I've build JDK on Windows except 
> via jprt
> but now I can't get past configure and I don't know why its resolving 
> a variable
> that I didn't set instead of looking on my path ..
> checking Checking for install src... not found, cannot build installer
> checking for JUnit... no, deploy tests cannot be run
> checking for wix... no, needed for installer, set --with-wix=/path/to/wix
> checking for lzma... configure: The path of LZMAPATH, which resolves 
> as "C:/util
> s/", is invalid.
> configure: error: Cannot locate the the path of LZMAPATH
> configure exiting with result code 1
> C:\jdks\jdk9-client>set LZMAPATH
> Environment variable LZMAPATH not defined
> C:\jdks\jdk9-client>sh
> sh-4.1$ which lzma
> /cygdrive/c/tools/jdkutils/bin/lzma
> -phil.

Best regards, Sergey.

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