Running native code test

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Dec 3 10:08:54 UTC 2015

On 2015-12-03 08:15, David Holmes wrote:
> Thanks for that. Tracing through these makefile macros is far too 
> painful. I wish there were some way to see what they looked like once 
> expanded.
In the debug log, you get the calls to each macro listed, which can help 
to see how it was actually called. This can of course be trashed by 
concurrency. Running with make 4.0 or later and enabling 
--with-output-sync helps with that part.

Finally, if you really want to investigate a particular macro call, you 
can set DEBUG_foo=true, where foo is the first parameter in the macro, 
for example BUILD_LIBJAVA. That will print the whole expanded contents 
of the macro call before being eval:ed.


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