RFR (M): 8036767 PPC64: Support for little endian execution model

Tiago Sturmer Daitx tdaitx at br.ibm.com
Thu Feb 19 03:02:05 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-02-18 at 07:33 -0500, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> I now have these changes working on 8u31:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/rh1191652/root
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/rh1191652/jdk
> I can re-base these onto whichever OpenJDK 9 tree is appropriate and push when
> reviewed under the same bug as used for the HotSpot side.

Concurrently to Andrew I also worked on a fix for JDK9 and came up with
a somewhat different approach (based on jdk9/dev):


To make it easy I already rebased Andrew's JDK8u31 patches to jdk9/dev
(due to that the webrev ended up with my username). 


I tested both approaches by building Hadoop (which triggered some
interesting bugs on various projects due to Jigsaw).

Sorry for the github links, but I don't have an account at
cr.openjdk.java.net that I can use. I can provide tar files if anyone is
willing to host those webrevs.

Tiago Daitx

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