[8u66] RFR 8079410: Hotspot version to share the same update and build version from JDK

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
Tue Jul 21 18:57:03 UTC 2015

On 7/20/15 6:45 PM, Alejandro E Murillo wrote:
> Please review the following change that allows setting
> the Hotspot minor version and build number to that
> of the "--with-update-version" and "--with-build-number"
> configure parameters when provided. 8u  builds only.
> webrev:
> http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/~amurillo/webrevs/8079410/

     No comments.

     No comments.

Thumbs up.

Just FYI: the patch link in that webrev goes to an empty page.


> Background (since bug was originally filed as internal):
> Currently, for 8u builds and earlier, the hotspot version looks like this
> (remnant from the hotspot express days):
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.66-b00, mixed mode, sharing)
> By convention, minor version (66 above) always matches the JDK update 
> version
> and hotspot build number is managed independently of the JDK build 
> number.
> Both values  are defined by default  in "hotspot/make/hotspot_version".
> With this change they can now be setup using the corresponding JDK
> configure parameters.
> Consequences:
> (1)  For promoted and other milestone builds, the hotspot minor version
> will corresponds to the JDK update version and the hotspot build number
> will match  the JDK build number.
> (2) Hotspot snapshots will no longer need to change the hotspot build 
> number
> as that will be set at promotion time (matching the JDK build number).
> Since this is stored in the file mentioned above, a  repo push
> (and the corresponding bug) was required to  change it.
> That will no longer be necessary.
> (3)  Since JPRT configures both the update and build numbers,
>  when building via JPRT, the hotspot build number for those builds
> will always be  'b00' (matching the JDK build number). The Hotspot
> minor version will match the update version defined in 
> make/jprt.prtoperties:
> java version "1.8.0_66-internal"
> #   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 
> 1.8.0_66-internal-20150720195933.amurillo.8079410-control-b00)
> #   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.66-b00, mixed mode, sharing)
> (4) Since the version string is not actually changing, I do not expect 
> this to have
> any impact on external tools or apps, but let me know if so.
> Thanks

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