[8u60] Request for review and approval: JDK-8074523: Windows native binaries have inconsistent "Product version"

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Tue Jun 2 16:46:51 UTC 2015

Hi Erik:

> I still need an 8u reviewer, anyone?

Line 534 in jdk-options.m4 needs to line up with the following comment 
lines.  Otherwise, this looks good.  No need to respin the webrev after 
fixing the white space.


> On 2015-05-27 16:05, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> On 2015-05-26 12:24, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> Any chance I could get a review on this?
>> Yeah, if you ask nicely, with sugar on top. ;-)
>> Fix looks good to me. Thanks for taking care of this.
>> /Magnus
>>> /Erik
>>> On 2015-05-20 16:09, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> Thanks, changed to: Windows native binaries have inconsistent 
>>>> "Product version"
>>>> Changed the label.
>>>> /Erik
>>>> On 2015-05-20 14:49, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>>>> It might be good to edit the bug synopsis before pushing the 
>>>>> change. I don't think this issue is specific to java.net bundles. 
>>>>> Might also be useful to use the noreg-sqe label rather than 
>>>>> noreg-build given that SQE team do appear to have test code for 
>>>>> this area.
>>>>> Approved pending code review.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Sean.
>>>>> On 20/05/15 13:32, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>>>> Please review and approve this fix for 8u60.
>>>>>> On windows, native libraries and executables have version numbers 
>>>>>> embedded into them. These can be seen when right-clicking the 
>>>>>> binary in explorer, on the Details tab, as "Product version". 
>>>>>> Currently in 8 update releases, these versions strings are 
>>>>>> inconsistent. An example:
>>>>>> in 8u45 b09 we have:
>>>>>> bin\client\jvm.dll:
>>>>>> bin\decora_sse.dll:
>>>>>> bin\deploy.dll: 8.0.450.9
>>>>>> bin\java.exe:
>>>>>> These differences fall into 4 different categories.
>>>>>> 1. jvm.dll in hotspot is not picking up the update version at 
>>>>>> all. This is due to a bug in the build-infra makefile rewrite 
>>>>>> that wasn't discovered in JDK 8 because it didn't have an update 
>>>>>> version.
>>>>>> 2. decora_sse.dll is part of javafx. Fixing their version scheme 
>>>>>> is out of scope of this fix. A separate bug for javafx would be 
>>>>>> needed.
>>>>>> 3. deploy.dll is actually the correct one. Historically we have 
>>>>>> encoded the update version with an extra digit for a potential 
>>>>>> letter at the end of the string.
>>>>>> 4. java.exe, and the rest of the binaries from the jdk repository 
>>>>>> lost their extra 0 in the build-infra makefile rewrite and it 
>>>>>> wasn't discovered in JDK 8.
>>>>>> Since we no longer use letters in update version strings, we 
>>>>>> could fix this by removing the extra 0. However, we have already 
>>>>>> released 8 updates where some binaries have the extra 0. Removing 
>>>>>> it would mean releasing 8u60 with binaries having version numbers 
>>>>>> lower than previous updates. For this reason I propose fixing 
>>>>>> this by adding the 0 for JDK and Hotspot binaries again, and of 
>>>>>> course by supplying the correct variable to the hotspot makefiles 
>>>>>> so that it even gets the update version in there. For clarity, 
>>>>>> with this patch, the above will log like this:
>>>>>> bin\client\jvm.dll: 8.0.450.9
>>>>>> bin\decora_sse.dll:
>>>>>> bin\deploy.dll: 8.0.450.9
>>>>>> bin\java.exe: 8.0.450.9
>>>>>> Note that in JDK 9, the version number scheme is being completely 
>>>>>> reworked so this will not be an issue.
>>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8074523
>>>>>> Webrev: 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8074523/webrev.01/index.html
>>>>>> /Erik

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