OpenJDK 8u45 on Yosemite

Manas Thakur manasthakur17 at
Fri Jun 5 07:12:02 UTC 2015

Hi all

I had posted about problems with building openjdk8 on Mac OS X Yosemite last year. I am still unable to do the same. I did the following based on some posts tot he list in January:

1. bash configure —with-tools-dir=“/Applications/Xcode4/”

2. Applied the following patch to saproc.make:
	- SALIBS = -g -framework Foundation -F/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Frameworks -framework JavaNativeFoundation -framework Security -framework CoreFoundation
+ SALIBS = -isysroot /Applications/Xcode4/ -g -framework Foundation -F/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Frameworks -framework JavaNativeFoundation -framework Security -framework CoreFoundation
Now, the error shown is the following:
error: unable to open executable ‘libjvm.dylib'

What all should I do for a successful build?


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