question on checking dependencies across modules

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Jun 10 23:38:16 UTC 2015

On 10/06/15 17:27, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On Jun 10, 2015, at 6:25 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In the context of the IntelliJ project support for JDK, I have a question on the very last step of 'make images' :
>> ## Starting verify-modules
>> Checking dependencies across JDK modules
>> Access verification succeeded.
>> I noticed that this step is always applied, regardless of whether there was actually any change in the sources/built classes or not. Is that deliberate? This is a bit unfortunate as in our setup we depend on 'make images' to run tests, and if there's nothing to do, you will still have to wait several seconds for 'make images' to complete.
> This step verifies access across module boundaries and should only be needed when any change in built classes.    This can be improved while this step is temporary until the module system is moving along.   Erik and Magnus may be able to come up with a simple way to check if any class is recompiled; otherwise this step can be skipped.
Right - this is what I was trying to ask - i.e. if there was any weird 
reason as to why this step was necessary even w/o any change in any 
source. It seems like the current behavior is mostly accidental and, 
coupled with the fact that (i) this is going away soon and (ii) there 
are workarounds (make jimages) - it should best be left as it is now?

Now, 'jimages' seems to be working fine for my needs - what is the 
feeling about this target moving forward? Is it something we can rely 
upon, or is 'jimages' also going away/replaced by something else (in 
which case using 'images' would be a more stable choice) ?

> Mandy

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