<AWT Dev> RfR JDK-8055160

Pete Brunet peter.brunet at oracle.com
Fri Jun 12 20:07:11 UTC 2015

Thanks Mandy, The new patch is at

On 6/10/15 6:29 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On Jun 10, 2015, at 3:33 PM, Pete Brunet <peter.brunet at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Due to some other priorities it's been over 2 months since the last webrev.  An update is here:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ptbrunet/JDK-8055160/webrev.03
> BarProvider.java
>    You can use try-with-resource
>     try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("BarProvider.txt”)) {
>            writer.println("BarProvider-activated”);
>     } catch (IOException e) {
>          throw new UncheckedException(e);
>     }
> That will close the writer.  I think you should rethow IOException instead of swallowing it.
> Same comment to other provider implementation.
Done, using UncheckedIOException.
> Load.java
>    The test should clean up all files before starting loading the providers since someone may run the test standalone multiple times on the same directory.
Done.  I was removing them in the shell script but I've moved that now
to the Java code.  I had to add delete to the permissions in
> Otherwise looks good to me.
> make/Images.gmk needs fixing as I mentioned earlier.
Done in JDK-8078335.
> Mandy

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