OpenJDK 8u45 on Yosemite
David DeHaven
david.dehaven at
Tue Jun 16 18:11:37 UTC 2015
> Hi David
> jdk8u-dev build worked perfectly with “—with-code-path” option; no other patches were required! Thanks :-)
> Regards,
> Manas
>> On 10-Jun-2015, at 10:22 am, Manas Thakur <manasthakur17 at> wrote:
>> Okay, I found that I should use “jdk8u-dev”, and not “jdk8u”; —with-xcode-path is a valid option there.
>> I’ll update if I am able to build now.
>> Regards,
>> Manas
>>> On 10-Jun-2015, at 9:19 am, Manas Thakur <manasthakur17 at> wrote:
>>> Hi David
>>> —with-code-path is an unrecognised option; it’s not there in the configure script as well.
>>> Manas
>>>> On 10-Jun-2015, at 2:41 am, David DeHaven <david.dehaven at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all
>>>>> I had posted about problems with building openjdk8 on Mac OS X Yosemite last year. I am still unable to do the same. I did the following based on some posts tot he list in January:
>>>>> 1. bash configure —with-tools-dir=“/Applications/Xcode4/”
>>>>> 2. Applied the following patch to saproc.make:
>>>>> - SALIBS = -g -framework Foundation -F/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Frameworks -framework JavaNativeFoundation -framework Security -framework CoreFoundation
>>>>> + SALIBS = -isysroot /Applications/Xcode4/ -g -framework Foundation -F/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Frameworks -framework JavaNativeFoundation -framework Security -framework CoreFoundation
>>>>> Now, the error shown is the following:
>>>>> error: unable to open executable ‘libjvm.dylib'
>>>>> What all should I do for a successful build?
>>>> The backport of JDK-8043340 should have resolved this, this was done in time for 8u40.
>>>> In short: don't use --with-tools-dir, use --with-xcode-path instead.
>>>> There was a later fix to hotspot for building on Yosemite but it was too late for 8u40:
>>>> changeset: 7161:10c237e58446
>>>> user: ddehaven
>>>> date: Wed Mar 18 18:12:01 2015 -0700
>>>> summary: 8075400: Cannot build hotspot in jdk8u on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite)
>>>> Patch:
>>>> You can try applying that to your workspace and see if it helps.
>>>> -DrD-
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