Building on Solaris

Andrew Haley aph at
Fri Jun 26 09:40:11 UTC 2015

On 06/26/2015 10:29 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> he current devkits basically contain the SS12u3 installation and a 
> sysroot from a Solaris 10u10 machine. It should still compile on a pure 
> Solaris 11 machine, but it's not tested as often. If you are able to 
> construct a sysroot from a Solaris 10 machine and want to use it, just 
> point to it using configure option --with-sysroot. I might be able to 
> dig up some more detailed instructions of how this was created if you 
> like to.
> I'm in the process of updating the compilers we use for jdk9 and it's 
> currently looking to happen around September. The current intention is 
> to use SS12u4 with a sysroot from Solaris 11.1 for Solaris builds. This 
> time I also intend to supply the scripts used to create the devkit in 
> the openjdk source, so you should be able to replicate that work if you 
> wish to.

Thank you for a very helpful and detailed answer.


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