[8u60] RFR: 8129926: Sub-packages in jdk.* are present in all Compact Profiles when they should not be

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Tue Jun 30 02:03:49 UTC 2015

This is a non-public bug as it pertains to our closed sources, but the 
remedy is in the open file make/profile-rtjar-includes.txt

A new package, jdk.internal.instrumentation, was appearing in the 
compact 1 profile when it should only be in the full JRE - so we add it 
to the list of packages only in the full JRE. This exposed another 
package that was being included in compact 2, when it also should only 
be in a full JRE.


*** 205,214 ****
--- 205,216 ----
       javax/sound \
       javax/swing \
       javax/xml/bind \
       javax/xml/soap \
       javax/xml/ws \
+     jdk/internal/instrumentation \
+     jdk/management/resource \
       org/omg \


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