Use of /usr/ccs/bin on Solaris

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Fri Mar 6 18:30:22 UTC 2015

On 03/06/15 06:50, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2015-03-04 22:03, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> I agree that configure should not mess with user's PATH and should
>> "auto-find" programs in /usr/ccs/bin only as a last resort.
>> It would be reasonable, when configure fails on Solaris, to notice 
>> that the
>> user does not have /usr/ccs/bin on PATH and suggest appending.
> I have opened
> Adding a warning to failed configure on Solaris due to missing build 
> tools that presumably resides in /usr/ccs/bin seems like quite a lot 
> of work.
> I suggest the following:
> Instead of prepending, append /usr/ccs/bin, so any binaries in the 
> user's specified PATH are picked first. This will allow a properly set 
> PATH to function, but it will still provide the "best effort" approach 
> of configure to look in "well-known locations" for tools.
> Does that seem like an acceptable solution?

Sounds good to me.


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