Windows build failure in JDK8 with --disable-zip-debug-info

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Thu Mar 12 19:48:03 UTC 2015

We have had issues before with pattern rules on Windows/cygwin. An older incarnation of Images.gmk used pattern rules extensively, but it hanged or crashed mysteriously. 

Also, in general, we've tried to avoid pattern rules since they make it hard to see what files are actually being processed. 

So I'm not against your fix. :) 

However, I think it might be possible to generalize it slightly to avoid the duplicate code. 


> 12 mar 2015 kl. 15:34 skrev Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at>:
> Hi,
> I understand that I'm a little late to the game but I just run into
> this problem myself:)
> The funny thing is that this problem doesn't occur with MinGW/MSYS but
> just with Cygwin and I can't understand why?
> We have a little special setup here at SAP: we do the Windows builds
> with MinGW/MSYS and by default we always build with
> --disable-zip-debug-info. So until now we had no problems.
> Now I started to migrate our build to Cygwin (but still with
> --disable-zip-debug-info) and run into the problem.
> I think the origin of the dependency on the .map (and .pdb) files is
> clear - it is set right in SetupNativeCompilation if we don't want to
> zip the debug information (i.e. --disable-zip-debug-info):
>        ifeq ($(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES), true)
>          ...
>        else
>          ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
>            $1 += $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).map \
>                $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).pdb
> But we also have the following pattern rule in SetupNativeCompilation
> which should copy the .map and .pdb from OBJECT_DIR to OUTPUT_DIR:
>        ifneq ($$($1_OUTPUT_DIR),$$($1_OBJECT_DIR))
>          $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/% : $$($1_OBJECT_DIR)/%
>          $(CP) $$< $$@
>        endif
> This rule works perfectly with MinGW/MSYS but it doesn't get triggered
> with Cygwin. And that's the reason why we get the error "*** No rule
> to make target `/cygdrive/c/jprt/T/P1/031627.daholme/s/build/windows-x86-normal-clientANDserver-release/jdk/bin/'"
> which says that it can not make the .map file in the OUTPUT_DIR. But
> notice that the .map file is there in the OBJECT_DIR directory (i.e.
> ../objs/libverify/, but make under Cygwin somehow doesn't
> recognize that there's a rule to copy it over to the OUTPUT_DIR
> directory.
> I tried the workaround proposed by Magnus' but unfortunately it
> doesn't work. I think that's because the problem is not that the .map
> files are not created - the problem is that they are not copied over
> to the OUTPUT_DIR.
> So here's what really helped:
>          ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
>            $1 += $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).map \
>                $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).pdb
>            $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).map :
> $$($1_OBJECT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).map
>              echo "Copying .map from OBJECT_DIR to OUTPUT_DIR"
>              $(CP) $$< $$@
>            $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).pdb :
> $$($1_OBJECT_DIR)/$$($1_LIBRARY).pdb
>               echo "Copying .pdb from OBJECT_DIR to OUTPUT_DIR"
>               $(CP) $$< $$@
> And you need the same fix for the PROGRAM build part:
>          ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
>            $1 += $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).map \
>                $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).pdb
>            $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).map :
> $$($1_OBJECT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).map
>               echo "Copying .map from OBJECT_DIR to OUTPUT_DIR"
>               $(CP) $$< $$@
>            $$($1_OUTPUT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).pdb :
> $$($1_OBJECT_DIR)/$$($1_PROGRAM).pdb
>               echo "Copying .pdb from OBJECT_DIR to OUTPUT_DIR"
>               $(CP) $$< $$@
> So for me this works now and I will change our internal build accordingly.
> I don't know if there's any interest of bringing this to jdk8u. I just
> though I'll let you know:)
> It would also be interesting if somebody has some explanation for why
> the pattern rule for copying the .map files works under MinGW/MSYS but
> not under Cygwin.
> Regards,
> Volker
>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 2:00 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
>>> On 5/11/2014 10:27 PM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>>> On 2014-11-05 13:25, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>>> I even have a vague memory of a fix along these lines in jdk9. If
>>>> that's correct, it's probably due for backporting. I'll see if I can
>>>> locate it.
>>> It might be some work backporting it though, the comments in the bug
>>> says it needed to be substantially rewritten due to changes in JDK9.
>> Thanks Magnus. Seems this is unlikely to be fixed then - which means I can't
>> test what I'm working on for the case where we don't zip the debuginfo files
>> :(
>> David
>>> /Magnus

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