<AWT Dev> RfR JDK-8055831 Open Source Java Access Bridge

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Mar 25 18:38:28 UTC 2015

On 3/25/2015 10:58 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> Thanks Phil,
> On 3/25/15 11:26 AM, Phil Race wrote:
>> AWTEventMonitor.java has a bunch of deprecated methods.
>> If you don't have time now (I expect you don't) then it can be
>> revisited later. Open sourcing is different than binary compatibility.
> These were deprecated via CCC 8007499.
>> The change jdk/make/copy/Copy-java.gmk suggests that accessbridge
>> is the only reason the closed version of the java.policy file exists.
>> However these files are not otherwise identical. And also implies
>> there'd be a corresponding closed review to remove that file.

I realise now that the list is additive, so having looked again I think 
this is OK.
I have no further comments on the open part of the review. Looks fine to me.


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