Excessive rebuilds of modules

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Fri May 22 07:05:06 UTC 2015

If you want a script/hack solution, you should be able to do something 
like this:

make java.base-java-only JDK_FILTER=package/that/you/changed && make 

That's likely the best I can do. If you need a real image, it has to be 
linked from scratch each time. If the exploded image is good enough, 
it's considerably faster to just build that.

If you are on Windows, Cygwin adds some overhead that we can't get 
around. It could be worth trying 64bit cygwin and see if you get better 
performance. I've had mixed results, but on one machine, at least 
configure runs twice as fast with 64bit cygwin.


On 2015-05-22 06:53, Ioi Lam wrote:
> On 5/21/15 12:05 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> On 2015-05-20 22:39, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 20/05/2015 21:12, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>>> Ioi,
>>>> You can rebuild just the contents of a single module:
>>>> % make java.base java.base-libs java.base-launchers
>>> Yes, and this works great when you are using an exploded build. It's 
>>> possible that Ioi is looking for an images build of course. In 
>>> general then this needs sjavac as Joe brings up.
>> If you have a full image build, make a change to something in 
>> java.base, you could do something like this to avoid unnecessary 
>> rebuilds:
>> $ make java.base && make images-only
> Thanks for the information.
> I tried this on my machine (32-way Xeon E5-2665 0 @ 2.40GHz), but it 
> still takes one minute if I change a single file in java.base :-(
> The making of java.base alone took about 30 seconds.
> $ time sh -c 'make JOBS=29 java.base && make images-only'
> Building target 'java.base' in configuration '/home/iklam/jdk/bld/'
> Compiling 2759 files for java.base
> Finished building target 'java.base' in configuration 
> '/home/iklam/jdk/bld/'
> Building target 'images-only' in configuration '/home/iklam/jdk/bld/'
> Creating jdk server jimage
> Creating jdk jimage
> Creating jre jimage
> duplicate resource 
> "META-INF/services/sun.management.spi.PlatformMBeanProvider", skipping
> duplicate resource 
> "META-INF/services/sun.management.spi.PlatformMBeanProvider", skipping
> duplicate resource 
> "META-INF/services/sun.management.spi.PlatformMBeanProvider", skipping
> Unzipping jdk/src/closed/db/db-derby-
> duplicate resource "META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector", 
> skipping
> Unzipping jdk/src/closed/db/db-derby-
> Updating images/sec-bin.zip
> ## Starting verify-modules
> Checking dependencies across JDK modules
> Access verification succeeded.
> ## Finished verify-modules (build time 00:00:16)
> Is there any way to make this faster?
> I used to have a script that compiles the exact set of .java files 
> that I touched, and patch rt.jar. It would complete the build in a 
> second or so. I guess I could update the script to work with modules 
> and jimage, but would be happier if I didn't have to.
> Thanks
> - Ioi
>> Note that if you put the *-only target on the same make command line, 
>> the results will be unpredictable as -only deactivates dependencies, 
>> so images would start running before java.base was properly done.
>> A note on sjavac, I do believe it currently works (to some extent) in 
>> jdk9.
>> /Erik

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