Building without Solaris directory on Linux

Frieder Berthold berthold.frieder at
Wed Nov 11 10:42:44 UTC 2015

Thanks for your fast answer!

This means in jdk8 there is no way to build only a smaller subset of the
But in jdk9 there is?

2015-11-11 11:18 GMT+01:00 Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at>:

> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Frieder Berthold
> <berthold.frieder at> wrote:
> > Hello to all,
> >
> > I am new in buiding OpenJDK and hope, that this is the right list for my
> > problem.
> >
> > To get a small JVM and rt.jar I try to build OpenJDK 8 with the small
> musl
> > libc ( instead of using the standard gnu libc,
> > yet I do not get it to build correctly.
> >
> > My system: ubuntu 14.04 64bit
> >
> > OpenJDK: OpenJDK 8 cloned from
> >
> > My Problem: The following headers (which musl does not provide) cannot be
> > found while building the solaris-part
> >
> >
> > jdk8/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c:38:24:
> fatal
> > error:        sys/sysctl.h: No such file or directory
> >
> > and
> >
> >            jdk8/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c:50:25:
> > fatal error: bits/ioctls.h: No such file or directory
> >
> > My Question: Even though I got a Linux (which is stated after the
> configure
> > process) it tries to build the sources in the solaris directory. Is this
> > necessary or is there a way to prevent this?
> For jdk8, jdk/src/solaris actually contains all the common "unix"
> sources so you indeed have to compile it. In jdk8, the linux directory
> only contains some man-pages but no real source code.
> In jdk9 the sources have been reordered and now there's a "unix"
> directory for shared unix sources and linux, solaris, aix, etc.
> directories for platform dependent stuff.
> > Even deeper into this matter:
> > I only need the profile compact1 for the Linux OS, are there switches for
> > the configure step to achieve this?
> >
> > Thank You in advance for any help!
> > Frieder

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