[9] Review Request: 8079965 Stop ignoring warnings for libawt_lwawt

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Sep 24 22:57:18 UTC 2015

On 9/24/2015 1:05 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> On 23.09.15 23:58, Phil Race wrote:
>> IMO we should support building JDK on as many platforms as possible.
>> Not just the RE-blessed platform of the day which can change more often
>> than I can - or want to - update my systems as I need to build multiple
>> releases.
> Then probably it will be better to disable this warning instead of 
> changing the code? it should be safe. 

hmm.. some day 10.8 really will be uninteresting to all so I would put 
the code in place now
with an ifdef. It is more to the point than disabling the warning.


>> -phil.
>> On 09/23/2015 01:44 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>> Yes I can change the types in CPrinterJob [1] via ifdef, but actually
>>> do we support sdk 10.8 in jdk9?
>>> [1]
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8079965/webrev.01/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/CPrinterJob.m.sdiff.html 
>>> On 23.09.15 23:34, Phil Race wrote:
>>>> This looks OK except that I have a suggestion with regards to Apple's
>>>> (gratuitous!) enum change
>>>> OpenOffice solved this with an ifdef
>>>> https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/trunk/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salprn.cxx?r1=1591062&r2=1633297&pathrev=1633297 
>>>> -- openoffice/trunk/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salprn.cxx 2014/04/29
>>>> 19:25:03    1591062
>>>> +++ openoffice/trunk/main/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salprn.cxx 2014/10/21
>>>> 07:43:39    1633297
>>>> @@ -76,8 +76,13 @@
>>>>       {
>>>>           mpPrintInfo = [pShared copy];
>>>>           [mpPrintInfo setPrinter: mpPrinter];
>>>> +#ifdef __MAC_10_9 // code for SDK 10.9 or newer
>>>> +        mePageOrientation = ([mpPrintInfo orientation] ==
>>>> NSPaperOrientationLandscape) ? ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE :
>>>> +        [mpPrintInfo setOrientation: NSPaperOrientationPortrait];
>>>> +#else // code for SDK 10.8 or older
>>>>           mePageOrientation = ([mpPrintInfo orientation] ==
>>>> NSLandscapeOrientation) ? ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE : 
>>>>           [mpPrintInfo setOrientation: NSPortraitOrientation];
>>>> +#endif
>>>>       }
>>>> Can we do the same ?
>>>> -phil.
>>>> On 09/14/2015 07:06 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> Please review the fix for jdk9.
>>>>> In the fix I remove WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_clang option from the
>>>>> libawt_lwawt library, and fix some of the issues:
>>>>> - jlong_md.h:69:9: warning: 'ptr_to_jlong' macro redefined. This is
>>>>> because the "jni_util.h" and
>>>>> "JavaNativeFoundation.framework/Headers/JNFJNI.h" both define this
>>>>> macro. I cleared our headers to eliminate this warning.
>>>>> - PrinterView.m:207:21: warning: implicit conversion from enumeration
>>>>> type 'NSPaperOrientation' (aka 'enum NSPaperOrientation') to 
>>>>> different
>>>>> enumeration type 'NSPrintingOrientation'. The problem is that the
>>>>> Apple changed the returned type of [NSPrintInfo orientation] from
>>>>> NSPrintingOrientation to NSPaperOrientation. Note that the
>>>>> NSPaperOrientation is available since OSX 10.9, which means that this
>>>>> change break the build on 10.8. Is it acceptable or should I suppress
>>>>> this warning? [1]
>>>>> - CGraphicsDevice.m:336:41: warning: comparison between pointer and
>>>>> integer ('void *' and 'jint' (aka 'int')) if ([screenID pointerValue]
>>>>> == displayID). I have changed the type from pointerValue to
>>>>> unsignedIntValue.
>>>>> Also I added "enum-conversion" to the DISABLED_WARNINGS_clang to
>>>>> suppress some warnings to fix them later, because it should be
>>>>> investigated how to fix it properly (ImageSurfaceData.m:1090:93:
>>>>> warning: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'CGImageAlphaInfo'
>>>>> (aka 'enum CGImageAlphaInfo') to different enumeration type
>>>>> 'CGBitmapInfo')
>>>>> After the fix all new warnings will break the build. The currently
>>>>> disabled warnings will be fixed as part of JDK-8074825 [2].
>>>>> jprt build passed.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/General/APIDiffsMacOSX10_9/AppKit.html 
>>>>> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8074825
>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8079965
>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8079965/webrev.01

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