RFR: JDK-8152666: The new Hotspot Build System

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Wed Apr 6 09:10:38 UTC 2016

Hello Dan and thank you for the review! I know it's a lot to chew through.

I have incorporated your changes and published a new webrev:

On 2016-04-05 20:10, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> > The new build supports the following variants:
> >
> >  * server (C1+C2)
> The above "server" variant is the "tiered server". Does the new
> build system support the "C2 server" variant? What about the
> 32-bit server and 64-bit server build variants? For example,
> on Linux you can have:
>   * C1/Client, 32-bit
>   * C2/Server, 32-bit
>   * Tiered (C1 & C2), 32-bit
>   * C2/Server, 64-bit
>   * Tiered (C1 + C2), 64-bit
> The above wide range of variants is also true for Win*.
There is a way to achieve this even if it's not as straight forward. 
It's controlled through the new "jvm-feature" setting. To build a 
completely custom set of features for a jvm, you set the 
--with-jvm-variants=custom and then define the full feature set using 
--with-jvm-features=compiler2,... For "server, client, core, minimal, 
zero and zeroshark" there is a predefined set of features while the 
custom variant has no features by default.
> General
> Please make sure all the copyrights are updated.
> common/autoconf/basics.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/build-performance.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/buildjdk-spec.gmk.in
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/compare.sh.in
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/configure
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/configure.ac
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/flags.m4
>     L274:         SHARED_LIBRARY_FLAGS="-dynamiclib 
> -compatibility_version 1.0.0 -current_version 1.0.0 $PICFLAG"
>     L275:         JVM_CFLAGS="$JVM_CFLAGS -fPIC"
>         L275 is new, but seeing it next to L274 makes me wonder if
>         $PICFLAG should be used instead of the literal '-fPIC'?
>     L303:         JVM_CFLAGS="$JVM_CFLAGS -fPIC"
>         Same question about literal '-fPIC'.
Not sure, leaving for now. It seems we leave the PICFLAG empty for the 
JDK build and only add it to the hotspot build. This should be addressed 
in a followup where we try to align flag usage more between the 
different libraries.
>     For most of the changes to flags.m4, I can't see how any of it
>     relates to the new HotSpot build.
>     Update: Now I'm wondering if this is one of those files that
>         we typically don't review because it is auto generated.
>         Sorry, don't remember for sure.
It's a file that should be reviewed, only generated-configure.sh can be 
ignored. The majority of the changes in here are related to cross 
compiling in the modular world. When cross compiling now, we need to 
also build a jvm for the build platform in order to run jlink and jmod 
when building images. With the old hotspot build, that was simpler, just 
invoke the hotspot build with some ARCH and compiler related variables 
set. For the rest of the JDK build, an approximation of flags used was 
enough so the problem was never fully solved.

In the new build, we derive all the compiler options in configure so I 
had to introduce a more proper solution. I did this by parameterizing 
some macros in flags.m4 and platform.m4 so that we can run them twice, 
once for the "target" toolchain" and one for the "build" toolchain. 
These are the majority of the changes you are seeing. I also removed the 
old hard coded "build" versions of certain flag and platform variables.
> common/autoconf/generated-configure.sh
>     2642 lines changed... I think this is one of those files
>     you're supposed to skip in build-dev review... :-|
Yes, please do.
> common/autoconf/help.m4
>     L179:     $PRINTF "Which are valid to use depends on the target 
> platform.\n  "
>     L180:     $PRINTF "%s " $VALID_JVM_FEATURES
>         Why are there blanks after the last '\n' on L179 instead of
>         at the beginning of L180?
If you do $PRINTF "  %s " $VALID_JVM_FEATURES, it adds those spaces 
between every element in VALID_JVM_FEATURES.
> common/autoconf/hotspot-spec.gmk.in
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/hotspot.m4
>     L46: # Check if the specified JVM features are explicitely 
> enabled. To be used in
>         Typo: 'explicitely' -> 'explicitly'
>     L59: #   server: normal interpreter, and a tiered C1/C2 compiler
>         So no support for a C2-only server config?
>     L77:   # Have the user listed more than one variant?
>         Typo: 'Have' -> 'Has'
> common/autoconf/jdk-options.m4
>     No comments other than to say thanks for keeping support
>     for 'optimized' builds.
> common/autoconf/jdk-version.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/lib-std.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/libraries.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/platform.m4
>     No comments, but mind numbing amount of diffs.
Same explanation as for flags.m4
> common/autoconf/spec.gmk.in
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/toolchain.m4
>     No comments.
> common/autoconf/version-numbers
>     No comments.
> common/bin/compare.sh
>     No comments.
> common/bin/compare_exceptions.sh.incl
>     No comments.
> make/Jprt.gmk
>     No comments.
> make/Main.gmk
>     No comments other than the 'hotspot-ide-project' target
>     looks interesting...
This is the replacement for the visual studio project generator. We 
currently only support VS here.
> make/common/MakeBase.gmk
>     No comments.
> make/common/NativeCompilation.gmk
>     L649:   else ifeq (LOW, $$($1_OPTIMIZATION))
>     L650:     $1_OPT_CFLAGS := $(C_O_FLAG_NORM)
>     L651:     $1_OPT_CXXFLAGS := $(CXX_O_FLAG_NORM)
>         Instead of "_NORM", I was expecting "_LOW".
>     L652:   else ifeq (HIGH, $$($1_OPTIMIZATION))
>     L653:     $1_OPT_CFLAGS := $(C_O_FLAG_HI)
>     L654:     $1_OPT_CXXFLAGS := $(CXX_O_FLAG_HI)
>         Instead of "_HI" I was expecting "_HIGH".
The names here were defined way back when we did build infra for the JDK 
build. I wouldn't mind better alignment in naming the optimization levels.
> make/jprt.properties
>     L136: # Don't disable precompiled headers on windows. It's simply 
> too slow.
>         This is a surprise. Not the slowness part, but not being
>         able to do a non-PCH JPRT build on Win*. IMHO, it's a
>         little  too much motherhood...
Actually, the old hotspot build does not allow disabling of PCH for 
windows at all. The flag is simply ignored. In the new build, we treat 
the flag the same on all platforms, so disabling precompiled headers 
works on Windows. In the current JPRT config, we disable precompiled 
headers on all fastdebug builds as a way of making sure we aren't 
breaking that build configuration. We noticed a major build time 
regression on Windows fastdebug builds in JPRT until we figured out it 
was caused by this. Since we aren't currently disabling precompiled 
header on Windows, I see no reason to start now. The build time 
regression for just building hotspot is around 2m->12m.
> jdk/make/Import.gmk
>     No comments.
> jdk/make/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk
>     No comments.
> jdk/make/lib/CoreLibraries.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/BuildHotspot.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/Dist.gmk
>     L52: define macosx_universalize
>         I thought MacOS X universal support was going away?
>         Update: OK, I see the mention of 8069540 ahead...
Yeah, we need to be binary the same as the old build for now. Hopefully 
we can get rid of the universal stuff soon.
>     L120: # these files are identical, and just pick one arbitrarily 
> to use as souce.
>         Typo: 'souce' -> 'source'
>     L139: # This might have been defined in a custom extenstion
>         Typo: 'extenstion' -> 'extension'
>     L168: # NOTE: In the old build, this file was not copied on Windows.
>     L169: ifneq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
>     L170:   $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_JVMTI_HTML, \
>         I'm not quite sure why the jvmti.html work is done for
>         more than a single platform.
>         Update: Thinking about this more... I vaguely remember that
>         JVM/TI tracing used to be disabled in Client VMs. Don't know
>         if that's still the case.
The jvmti.html file is just copied into the docs bundle later. IMO, the 
docs bundle should be the same regardless of platform. In practice we 
only publish the bundle from one build platform anyway.

> hotspot/makefiles/HotspotCommon.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GenerateSources.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcAdlc.gmk
>     L98:     # NOTE: Windows adlc flags was different in the old 
> build. Is this really
>     L99:     # correct?
>         John Rose may know the answer to this historical question.
> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcDtrace.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcJvmti.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/ide/CreateVSProject.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileDtracePostJvm.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileDtracePreJvm.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileJvm.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileLibjsig.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileLibraries.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmFeatures.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmMapfile.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk
>     No comments.
> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjsig/mapfile-vers-solaris
> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjvm_db/mapfile-vers
> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjvm_dtrace/mapfile-vers
>     No comments on the mapfiles.
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-aix
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-aix-debug
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-linux
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-macosx
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-shared
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris-dtrace-compiler1
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris-dtrace-compiler2
> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-unix
>     No comments on the symbol files.
> Thumbs up on this fix; I don't think that anything I noted
> above is a show stopper for this changeset.
> Dan
>> /Erik

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