RFR: JDK-8152666: The new Hotspot Build System

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Thu Apr 7 10:47:28 UTC 2016

On 2016-04-07 11:57, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2016-04-06 11:10, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Hello Dan and thank you for the review! I know it's a lot to chew 
>> through.
>> I have incorporated your changes and published a new webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8152666/webrev.02/
> I'm not sure if I'm formally allowed to be a reviewer, since I've 
> wrote the absolute majority of the code myself.
> Nevertheless, I've looked through the webrev carefully, including the 
> latest changes by you, and it looks good to me. Ship it! :-)
Thanks! With you me and Dan we have ample support for pushing this. Now 
I'm just waiting for hs-rt to get updated from hs-main to avoid having 
others do the merges with b112.
> Just a few minor comments:
> In compare.sh.in:
> Why the added export of DEBUG_LEVEL? I can't find any reference to it 
> in the changes in compare.sh. Was it references in some earlier change 
> and we missed to export it?
It's in compare_exceptions. I had to do some special exceptions for 
slowdebug in some cases.

> In flags.m4/platform.m4:
> It is unfortunate that we needed to make the build/target duplication 
> in this change. It makes the messy addition of the JVM_CFLAGS even 
> messier. :( But then again, we've always planned a follow-up 
> restructuring of the flag handling after the integration of the new 
> Hotspot build system. It just got a bit more urgent.
> /Magnus
>> On 2016-04-05 20:10, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
>>> > The new build supports the following variants:
>>> >
>>> >  * server (C1+C2)
>>> The above "server" variant is the "tiered server". Does the new
>>> build system support the "C2 server" variant? What about the
>>> 32-bit server and 64-bit server build variants? For example,
>>> on Linux you can have:
>>>   * C1/Client, 32-bit
>>>   * C2/Server, 32-bit
>>>   * Tiered (C1 & C2), 32-bit
>>>   * C2/Server, 64-bit
>>>   * Tiered (C1 + C2), 64-bit
>>> The above wide range of variants is also true for Win*.
>> There is a way to achieve this even if it's not as straight forward. 
>> It's controlled through the new "jvm-feature" setting. To build a 
>> completely custom set of features for a jvm, you set the 
>> --with-jvm-variants=custom and then define the full feature set using 
>> --with-jvm-features=compiler2,... For "server, client, core, minimal, 
>> zero and zeroshark" there is a predefined set of features while the 
>> custom variant has no features by default.
>>> General
>>> Please make sure all the copyrights are updated.
>> Done
>>> common/autoconf/basics.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/build-performance.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/buildjdk-spec.gmk.in
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/compare.sh.in
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/configure
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/configure.ac
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/flags.m4
>>>     L274:         SHARED_LIBRARY_FLAGS="-dynamiclib 
>>> -compatibility_version 1.0.0 -current_version 1.0.0 $PICFLAG"
>>>     L275:         JVM_CFLAGS="$JVM_CFLAGS -fPIC"
>>>         L275 is new, but seeing it next to L274 makes me wonder if
>>>         $PICFLAG should be used instead of the literal '-fPIC'?
>> Fixed
>>>     L303:         JVM_CFLAGS="$JVM_CFLAGS -fPIC"
>>>         Same question about literal '-fPIC'.
>> Not sure, leaving for now. It seems we leave the PICFLAG empty for 
>> the JDK build and only add it to the hotspot build. This should be 
>> addressed in a followup where we try to align flag usage more between 
>> the different libraries.
>>>     For most of the changes to flags.m4, I can't see how any of it
>>>     relates to the new HotSpot build.
>>>     Update: Now I'm wondering if this is one of those files that
>>>         we typically don't review because it is auto generated.
>>>         Sorry, don't remember for sure.
>> It's a file that should be reviewed, only generated-configure.sh can 
>> be ignored. The majority of the changes in here are related to cross 
>> compiling in the modular world. When cross compiling now, we need to 
>> also build a jvm for the build platform in order to run jlink and 
>> jmod when building images. With the old hotspot build, that was 
>> simpler, just invoke the hotspot build with some ARCH and compiler 
>> related variables set. For the rest of the JDK build, an 
>> approximation of flags used was enough so the problem was never fully 
>> solved.
>> In the new build, we derive all the compiler options in configure so 
>> I had to introduce a more proper solution. I did this by 
>> parameterizing some macros in flags.m4 and platform.m4 so that we can 
>> run them twice, once for the "target" toolchain" and one for the 
>> "build" toolchain. These are the majority of the changes you are 
>> seeing. I also removed the old hard coded "build" versions of certain 
>> flag and platform variables.
>>> common/autoconf/generated-configure.sh
>>>     2642 lines changed... I think this is one of those files
>>>     you're supposed to skip in build-dev review... :-|
>> Yes, please do.
>>> common/autoconf/help.m4
>>>     L179:     $PRINTF "Which are valid to use depends on the target 
>>> platform.\n  "
>>>     L180:     $PRINTF "%s " $VALID_JVM_FEATURES
>>>         Why are there blanks after the last '\n' on L179 instead of
>>>         at the beginning of L180?
>> If you do $PRINTF "  %s " $VALID_JVM_FEATURES, it adds those spaces 
>> between every element in VALID_JVM_FEATURES.
>>> common/autoconf/hotspot-spec.gmk.in
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/hotspot.m4
>>>     L46: # Check if the specified JVM features are explicitely 
>>> enabled. To be used in
>>>         Typo: 'explicitely' -> 'explicitly'
>>>     L59: #   server: normal interpreter, and a tiered C1/C2 compiler
>>>         So no support for a C2-only server config?
>>>     L77:   # Have the user listed more than one variant?
>>>         Typo: 'Have' -> 'Has'
>> fixed
>>> common/autoconf/jdk-options.m4
>>>     No comments other than to say thanks for keeping support
>>>     for 'optimized' builds.
>>> common/autoconf/jdk-version.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/lib-std.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/libraries.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/platform.m4
>>>     No comments, but mind numbing amount of diffs.
>> Same explanation as for flags.m4
>>> common/autoconf/spec.gmk.in
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/toolchain.m4
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/autoconf/version-numbers
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/bin/compare.sh
>>>     No comments.
>>> common/bin/compare_exceptions.sh.incl
>>>     No comments.
>>> make/Jprt.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> make/Main.gmk
>>>     No comments other than the 'hotspot-ide-project' target
>>>     looks interesting...
>> This is the replacement for the visual studio project generator. We 
>> currently only support VS here.
>>> make/common/MakeBase.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> make/common/NativeCompilation.gmk
>>>     L649:   else ifeq (LOW, $$($1_OPTIMIZATION))
>>>     L650:     $1_OPT_CFLAGS := $(C_O_FLAG_NORM)
>>>     L651:     $1_OPT_CXXFLAGS := $(CXX_O_FLAG_NORM)
>>>         Instead of "_NORM", I was expecting "_LOW".
>>>     L652:   else ifeq (HIGH, $$($1_OPTIMIZATION))
>>>     L653:     $1_OPT_CFLAGS := $(C_O_FLAG_HI)
>>>     L654:     $1_OPT_CXXFLAGS := $(CXX_O_FLAG_HI)
>>>         Instead of "_HI" I was expecting "_HIGH".
>> The names here were defined way back when we did build infra for the 
>> JDK build. I wouldn't mind better alignment in naming the 
>> optimization levels.
>>> make/jprt.properties
>>>     L136: # Don't disable precompiled headers on windows. It's 
>>> simply too slow.
>>>         This is a surprise. Not the slowness part, but not being
>>>         able to do a non-PCH JPRT build on Win*. IMHO, it's a
>>>         little  too much motherhood...
>> Actually, the old hotspot build does not allow disabling of PCH for 
>> windows at all. The flag is simply ignored. In the new build, we 
>> treat the flag the same on all platforms, so disabling precompiled 
>> headers works on Windows. In the current JPRT config, we disable 
>> precompiled headers on all fastdebug builds as a way of making sure 
>> we aren't breaking that build configuration. We noticed a major build 
>> time regression on Windows fastdebug builds in JPRT until we figured 
>> out it was caused by this. Since we aren't currently disabling 
>> precompiled header on Windows, I see no reason to start now. The 
>> build time regression for just building hotspot is around 2m->12m.
>>> jdk/make/Import.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> jdk/make/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> jdk/make/lib/CoreLibraries.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/BuildHotspot.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/Dist.gmk
>>>     L52: define macosx_universalize
>>>         I thought MacOS X universal support was going away?
>>>         Update: OK, I see the mention of 8069540 ahead...
>> Yeah, we need to be binary the same as the old build for now. 
>> Hopefully we can get rid of the universal stuff soon.
>>>     L120: # these files are identical, and just pick one arbitrarily 
>>> to use as souce.
>>>         Typo: 'souce' -> 'source'
>>>     L139: # This might have been defined in a custom extenstion
>>>         Typo: 'extenstion' -> 'extension'
>> fixed
>>>     L168: # NOTE: In the old build, this file was not copied on 
>>> Windows.
>>>     L169: ifneq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
>>>     L170:   $(eval $(call SetupCopyFiles, COPY_JVMTI_HTML, \
>>>         I'm not quite sure why the jvmti.html work is done for
>>>         more than a single platform.
>>>         Update: Thinking about this more... I vaguely remember that
>>>         JVM/TI tracing used to be disabled in Client VMs. Don't know
>>>         if that's still the case.
>> The jvmti.html file is just copied into the docs bundle later. IMO, 
>> the docs bundle should be the same regardless of platform. In 
>> practice we only publish the bundle from one build platform anyway.
>> /Erik
>>> hotspot/makefiles/HotspotCommon.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GenerateSources.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcAdlc.gmk
>>>     L98:     # NOTE: Windows adlc flags was different in the old 
>>> build. Is this really
>>>     L99:     # correct?
>>>         John Rose may know the answer to this historical question.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcDtrace.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/gensrc/GensrcJvmti.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/ide/CreateVSProject.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileDtracePostJvm.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileDtracePreJvm.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileJvm.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileLibjsig.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/CompileLibraries.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmFeatures.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmMapfile.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk
>>>     No comments.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjsig/mapfile-vers-solaris
>>> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjvm_db/mapfile-vers
>>> hotspot/makefiles/mapfiles/libjvm_dtrace/mapfile-vers
>>>     No comments on the mapfiles.
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-aix
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-aix-debug
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-linux
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-macosx
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-shared
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris-dtrace-compiler1
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-solaris-dtrace-compiler2
>>> hotspot/makefiles/symbols/symbols-unix
>>>     No comments on the symbol files.
>>> Thumbs up on this fix; I don't think that anything I noted
>>> above is a show stopper for this changeset.
>>> Dan
>>>> /Erik

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