RFR(XS): Bad test for ENABLE_SJAVAC in build-performance.m4

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Sun Apr 17 16:47:12 UTC 2016


Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154394
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~omajid/webrevs/8154394-bad-test/00/

I was building OpenJDK 9 as:

    $ bash ../configure --disable-javac-server

And I saw a funny looking message in the configure output

    jdk9-dev/common/autoconf/generated-configure.sh: line 62566: xno: command not found

Looks like it's this line missing a second 'test' in

    if test "x$ENABLE_JAVAC_SERVER" = "xyes" || "x$ENABLE_SJAVAC" = "xyes"; then

Okay to push?


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