jdk9 client build problem in linux

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Fri Aug 19 13:59:52 UTC 2016

Hello Prasanta,

Yes, it's https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164297. I'm about to 
push the fix to jdk9/hs. The problem goes away if you use the Oracle 
internal official devkit.


On 2016-08-19 15:21, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have tried to checkout fresh jdk9-client repo today in ubuntu 32 bit 
> linux and build but experiencing a failure
> */export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/support/test/hotspot/jtreg/native/support/exeinvoke/exeinvoke.o: 
> In function `main':**
> **/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:253: 
> undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM'**
> **/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:264: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'**
> **/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:265: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'**
> **/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:277: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'**
> **/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:278: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'**
> *
> Is it a known problem? Does anyone know what needs to be done? "make 
> all" and "configure" log is below.
> Regards
> Prasanta
> ----------------------------
> #make all
> Building target 'all' in configuration 
> 'linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug'
> Compiling 2878 files for java.base
> Building JVM variant 'server' with features 'all-gcs cds closed-src 
> commercial-features compiler1 compiler2 fprof jni-check jvmti 
> management nmt services trace vm-structs'
> Updating jimage due to makefile changes
> Updating jlink due to makefile changes
> Updating jmod due to makefile changes
> Compiling 17 files for java.datatransfer
> Compiling 1817 files for java.xml
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 14 files for java.prefs
> Compiling 2852 files for java.desktop
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Compiling 34 files for java.logging
> Compiling 25 files for java.activation
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 6 files for java.annotations.common
> Compiling 15 files for java.scripting
> Compiling 1 files for java.compact1
> Compiling 123 files for java.rmi
> Compiling 78 files for java.sql
> Compiling 1 files for java.compact2
> Compiling 116 files for java.compiler
> Compiling 20 files for java.instrument
> Compiling 30 files for java.security.sasl
> Compiling 193 files for java.naming
> Compiling 373 files for java.management
> Compiling 211 files for java.security.jgss
> Compiling 51 files for java.sql.rowset
> Compiling 282 files for java.xml.crypto
> Compiling 1 files for java.compact3
> Compiling 4 files for java.transaction
> Compiling 1480 files for java.corba
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 110 files for java.httpclient
> Compiling 1 files for java.se
> Compiling 747 files for java.xml.bind
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 44 files for jdk.httpserver
> Compiling 1227 files for java.xml.ws
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 1 files for java.se.ee
> Compiling 21 files for java.smartcardio
> Compiling 18 files for jdk.accessibility
> Compiling 59 files for jdk.jvmstat
> Compiling 15 files for jdk.attach
> Compiling 120 files for jdk.charsets
> Compiling 392 files for jdk.compiler
> Compiling 8 files for jdk.crypto.ec
> Compiling 67 files for jdk.crypto.pkcs11
> Compiling 66 files for jdk.dynalink
> Compiling 1034 files for jdk.hotspot.agent
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 46 files for jdk.internal.le
> Compiling 46 files for jdk.internal.opt
> Compiling 31 files for jdk.jartool
> Compiling 444 files for jdk.javadoc
> Compiling 38 files for jdk.jcmd
> Compiling 24 files for jdk.management
> Compiling 64 files for jdk.jconsole
> Compiling 109 files for jdk.jdeps
> Compiling 250 files for jdk.jdi
> Compiling 1 files for jdk.jdwp.agent
> Compiling 155 files for jdk.jfr
> Compiling 70 files for jdk.jlink
> Compiling 83 files for jdk.jshell
> Compiling 5 files for jdk.jsobject
> Compiling 11 files for jdk.jstatd
> Compiling 2103 files for jdk.localedata
> Compiling 5 files for jdk.management.cmm
> Compiling 14 files for jdk.management.jfr
> Compiling 59 files for jdk.management.resource
> Compiling 15 files for jdk.naming.dns
> Compiling 7 files for jdk.naming.rmi
> Compiling 9 files for jdk.net
> Compiling 1 files for jdk.pack200
> Compiling 14 files for jdk.security.jgss
> Compiling 14 files for jdk.policytool
> Compiling 227 files for jdk.rmic
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 10 files for jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell
> Compiling 33 files for jdk.sctp
> Compiling 37 files for jdk.security.auth
> Compiling 281 files for jdk.snmp
> Compiling 10 files for jdk.unsupported
> Compiling 4 files for jdk.vm.cds
> Compiling 177 files for jdk.vm.ci
> Compiling 776 files for jdk.xml.bind
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 90 files for jdk.xml.dom
> Compiling 235 files for jdk.xml.ws
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> Compiling 14 files for jdk.zipfs
> Creating images/jmods/java.activation.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.annotations.common.jmod
> Updating java due to makefile changes
> Updating keytool due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/java.compact1.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.compact2.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.compact3.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.compiler.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.datatransfer.jmod
> Updating appletviewer due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/java.desktop.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.httpclient.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.instrument.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.logging.jmod
> Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP
> is deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have
> been superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are
> encouraged to migrate away from using rmic to generate skeletons and 
> static
> stubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
> Creating images/jmods/java.management.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.naming.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.prefs.jmod
> Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP
> is deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have
> been superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are
> encouraged to migrate away from using rmic to generate skeletons and 
> static
> stubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
> Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP
> is deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have
> been superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are
> encouraged to migrate away from using rmic to generate skeletons and 
> static
> stubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
> Updating rmid due to makefile changes
> Updating rmiregistry due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/java.rmi.jmod
> Updating jrunscript due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/java.scripting.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.se.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.security.jgss.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.security.sasl.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.smartcardio.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.sql.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.sql.rowset.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.xml.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.xml.crypto.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.accessibility.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.attach.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.charsets.jmod
> Updating javac due to makefile changes
> Updating javah due to makefile changes
> Updating serialver due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.compiler.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.crypto.ec.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.crypto.pkcs11.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.dynalink.jmod
> Updating jhsdb due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.httpserver.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.internal.le.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.internal.opt.jmod
> Updating jar due to makefile changes
> Updating jarsigner due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jartool.jmod
> Updating javadoc due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.javadoc.jmod
> Updating jinfo due to makefile changes
> Updating jmap due to makefile changes
> Updating jps due to makefile changes
> Updating jstack due to makefile changes
> Updating jstat due to makefile changes
> Updating jcmd due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jcmd.jmod
> Updating jconsole due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jconsole.jmod
> Updating javap due to makefile changes
> Updating jdeps due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jdeps.jmod
> Updating jdb due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jdi.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jdwp.agent.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jfr.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jlink.jmod
> Updating jshell due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jshell.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jsobject.jmod
> Updating jstatd due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jstatd.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.jvmstat.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.localedata.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.management.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.management.cmm.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.management.jfr.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.management.resource.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.naming.dns.jmod
> Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP
> is deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have
> been superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are
> encouraged to migrate away from using rmic to generate skeletons and 
> static
> stubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.naming.rmi.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.net.jmod
> Updating pack200 due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.pack200.jmod
> Updating policytool due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.policytool.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod
> Updating jjs due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.sctp.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.security.auth.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.security.jgss.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.snmp.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.unsupported.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.vm.cds.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.vm.ci.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.xml.dom.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.zipfs.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.base.jmod
> Updating idlj due to makefile changes
> Updating orbd due to makefile changes
> Updating servertool due to makefile changes
> Updating tnameserv due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/java.corba.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.se.ee.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.transaction.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.xml.bind.jmod
> Creating images/jmods/java.xml.ws.jmod
> Updating rmic due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.rmic.jmod
> Updating schemagen due to makefile changes
> Updating xjc due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.xml.bind.jmod
> Updating wsgen due to makefile changes
> Updating wsimport due to makefile changes
> Creating images/jmods/jdk.xml.ws.jmod
> Updating support/src.zip
> Creating interim jimage
> Creating jre jimage
> Creating jdk jimage
> Updating images/sec-bin.zip
> /usr/bin/find: 
> `/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/compiler/native': 
> No such file or directory
> /usr/bin/find: 
> `/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/compiler/native': 
> No such file or directory
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/support/test/hotspot/jtreg/native/support/exeinvoke/exeinvoke.o: 
> In function `main':
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:253: 
> undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:264: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:265: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:277: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:278: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[3]: *** 
> [/export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/support/test/hotspot/jtreg/native/bin/invoke] 
> Error 1
> make[2]: *** [build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native] Error 1
> ERROR: Build failed for target 'all' in configuration 
> 'linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug' (exit code 2)
> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
> * For target 
> support_test_hotspot_jtreg_native_support_exeinvoke_BUILD_TEST_invoke_link:
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/support/test/hotspot/jtreg/native/support/exeinvoke/exeinvoke.o: 
> In function `main':
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:253: 
> undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:264: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:265: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:277: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_create'
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/hotspot/test/runtime/StackGuardPages/exeinvoke.c:278: 
> undefined reference to `pthread_join'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> === End of repeated output ===
> No indication of failed target found.
> Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.
> Hint: If caused by a warning, try configure --disable-warnings-as-errors.
> make[1]: *** [main] Error 1
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> #sh configure --enable-debug
> Running custom generated-configure.sh
> configure: Configuration created at Fri Aug 19 18:26:40 IST 2016.
> configure: configure script generated at timestamp 1470863189.
> checking for basename... /usr/bin/basename
> checking for bash... /bin/bash
> checking for cat... /bin/cat
> checking for chmod... /bin/chmod
> checking for cmp... /usr/bin/cmp
> checking for comm... /usr/bin/comm
> checking for cp... /bin/cp
> checking for cut... /usr/bin/cut
> checking for date... /bin/date
> checking for gdiff... no
> checking for diff... /usr/bin/diff
> checking for dirname... /usr/bin/dirname
> checking for echo... /bin/echo
> checking for expr... /usr/bin/expr
> checking for file... /usr/bin/file
> checking for find... /usr/bin/find
> checking for head... /usr/bin/head
> checking for gunzip... /bin/gunzip
> checking for pigz... no
> checking for gzip... /bin/gzip
> checking for ln... /bin/ln
> checking for ls... /bin/ls
> checking for mkdir... /bin/mkdir
> checking for mktemp... /bin/mktemp
> checking for mv... /bin/mv
> checking for nawk... /usr/bin/nawk
> checking for printf... /usr/bin/printf
> checking for rm... /bin/rm
> checking for rmdir... /bin/rmdir
> checking for sh... /bin/sh
> checking for sort... /usr/bin/sort
> checking for tail... /usr/bin/tail
> checking for gtar... no
> checking for tar... /bin/tar
> checking for tee... /usr/bin/tee
> checking for touch... /usr/bin/touch
> checking for tr... /usr/bin/tr
> checking for uname... /bin/uname
> checking for uniq... /usr/bin/uniq
> checking for wc... /usr/bin/wc
> checking for which... /usr/bin/which
> checking for xargs... /usr/bin/xargs
> checking for gawk... no
> checking for mawk... mawk
> checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
> checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
> checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F
> checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
> checking for cygpath... no
> checking for greadlink... no
> checking for readlink... /bin/readlink
> checking for df... /bin/df
> checking for cpio... /bin/cpio
> checking for nice... /usr/bin/nice
> checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
> checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
> checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
> checking openjdk-build os-cpu... linux-x86
> checking openjdk-target os-cpu... linux-x86
> checking compilation type... native
> checking for top-level directory... /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw
> checking if custom source is suppressed (openjdk-only)... no
> checking which variant of the JDK to build... normal
> checking which debug level to use... fastdebug
> checking which variants of the JVM to build... server
> checking for parfait... not enabled
> checking for sysroot...
> checking for toolchain path...
> checking for extra path...
> checking where to store configuration... in default location
> checking what configuration name to use... 
> linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug
> checking for apt-get... apt-get
> checking for gmake... no
> checking for make... /usr/bin/make
> configure: Testing potential make at /usr/bin/make, found using make 
> in PATH
> configure: Using GNU make at /usr/bin/make (version: GNU Make 3.81)
> checking if make --output-sync is supported... no
> checking if find supports -delete... yes
> checking what type of tar was found... gnu
> checking for unzip... /usr/bin/unzip
> checking for zip... /usr/bin/zip
> checking for ldd... /usr/bin/ldd
> checking for otool... no
> checking for greadelf... no
> checking for readelf... /usr/bin/readelf
> checking for hg... /usr/bin/hg
> checking for stat... /usr/bin/stat
> checking for time... /usr/bin/time
> checking for dtrace... no
> checking for gpatch... no
> checking for patch... /usr/bin/patch
> checking if bash supports pipefail... yes
> checking if bash supports errexit (-e)... yes
> checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
> checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
> checking headful support... include support for both headful and headless
> yes (default)
> checking for version string... 
> 9-internal+0-2016-08-19-182640.prsadhuk.client-jigsaw
> checking for javac... /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_45/bin/javac
> checking for java... /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_45/bin/java
> configure: Found potential Boot JDK using java(c) in PATH
> checking for Boot JDK... /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_45
> checking Boot JDK version... java version "1.8.0_45" Java(TM) SE 
> Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
> (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)
> checking for java in Boot JDK... ok
> checking for javac in Boot JDK... ok
> checking for javah in Boot JDK... ok
> checking for jar in Boot JDK... ok
> checking for jarsigner in Boot JDK... ok
> checking if Boot JDK supports modules... no
> checking if Boot JDK is 32 or 64 bits... 32
> checking for Build JDK... yes, will use output dir
> configure: Using default toolchain gcc (GNU Compiler Collection)
> checking for gcc... /usr/bin/gcc
> checking resolved symbolic links for CC... /usr/bin/gcc-4.8
> configure: Using gcc C compiler version 4.8.2 [gcc (Ubuntu 
> 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2]
> checking whether the C compiler works... yes
> checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
> checking for suffix of executables...
> checking whether we are cross compiling... no
> checking for suffix of object files... o
> checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
> checking whether /usr/bin/gcc accepts -g... yes
> checking for /usr/bin/gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
> checking for g++... /usr/bin/g++
> checking resolved symbolic links for CXX... /usr/bin/g++-4.8
> configure: Using gcc C++ compiler version 4.8.2 [g++ (Ubuntu 
> 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2]
> checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
> checking whether /usr/bin/g++ accepts -g... yes
> checking how to run the C preprocessor... /usr/bin/gcc -E
> checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /usr/bin/g++ -E
> checking for ar... ar
> configure: Rewriting AR to "/usr/bin/ar"
> checking for strip... strip
> configure: Rewriting STRIP to "/usr/bin/strip"
> checking for nm... nm
> configure: Rewriting NM to "/usr/bin/nm"
> checking for gobjcopy... no
> checking for objcopy... objcopy
> configure: Rewriting OBJCOPY to "/usr/bin/objcopy"
> checking for gobjdump... no
> checking for objdump... objdump
> configure: Rewriting OBJDUMP to "/usr/bin/objdump"
> checking if the C compiler supports "-Og"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports "-Og"... yes
> checking if both compilers support "-Og"... yes
> checking if linker supports "-Wl,-z,relro"... yes
> checking if linker supports "-Wl,-z,now"... yes
> checking for broken SuSE 'ld' which only understands anonymous version 
> tags in executables... no
> checking for jtreg... no
> checking if @file is supported by gcc... yes
> checking for ANSI C header files... yes
> checking for sys/types.h... yes
> checking for sys/stat.h... yes
> checking for stdlib.h... yes
> checking for string.h... yes
> checking for memory.h... yes
> checking for strings.h... yes
> checking for inttypes.h... yes
> checking for stdint.h... yes
> checking for unistd.h... yes
> checking stdio.h usability... yes
> checking stdio.h presence... yes
> checking for stdio.h... yes
> checking size of int *... 4
> checking for target address size... 32 bits
> checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
> checking if the C++ compiler supports "-std=gnu++98 -Werror"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports "-std=gnu++98 -Werror"... yes
> checking if the C compiler supports "-m32"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports "-m32"... yes
> checking if both compilers support "-m32"... yes
> checking if the C compiler supports "-m32"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports "-m32"... yes
> checking if both compilers support "-m32"... yes
> checking if native warnings are errors... yes (default)
> checking if the C compiler supports 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking if both compilers support 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking if the C compiler supports 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking if the C++ compiler supports 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking if both compilers support 
> "-Wno-this-is-a-warning-that-do-not-exist"... yes
> checking what type of native debug symbols to use... zipped
> checking for dtrace tool... not found, cannot build dtrace
> checking sys/sdt.h usability... no
> checking sys/sdt.h presence... no
> checking for sys/sdt.h... no
> checking if dtrace should be built... no, missing dependencies
> checking if Hotspot gtest unit tests should be built... yes
> checking if dynamic link of stdc++ is possible... yes
> checking if static link of stdc++ is possible... yes
> checking how to link with libstdc++... static
> checking for X... libraries , headers
> checking for gethostbyname... yes
> checking for connect... yes
> checking for remove... yes
> checking for shmat... yes
> checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
> checking for X11/extensions/shape.h... yes
> checking for X11/extensions/Xrender.h... yes
> checking for X11/extensions/XTest.h... yes
> checking for X11/Intrinsic.h... yes
> checking if XlinearGradient is defined in Xrender.h... yes
> checking cups/cups.h usability... yes
> checking cups/cups.h presence... yes
> checking for cups/cups.h... yes
> checking cups/ppd.h usability... yes
> checking cups/ppd.h presence... yes
> checking for cups/ppd.h... yes
> checking for ALSA... yes
> checking for which libjpeg to use... bundled
> checking for which giflib to use... bundled
> checking for which libpng to use... bundled
> checking for compress in -lz... yes
> checking for which zlib to use... system
> checking for which lcms to use... bundled
> checking for cos in -lm... yes
> checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes
> checking if elliptic curve crypto implementation is present... yes
> checking if jtreg failure handler should be built... no, missing jtreg
> checking if the CDS classlist generation should be enabled... yes
> checking for number of cores... 1
> checking for memory size... 2015 MB
> checking for appropriate number of jobs to run in parallel... 1
> checking flags for boot jdk java command ...  -Duser.language=en 
> -Duser.country=US
> checking flags for boot jdk java command for big workloads... -Xms64M 
> -Xmx1007M -XX:ThreadStackSize=768
> checking flags for bootcycle boot jdk java command for big 
> workloads... -Xms64M -Xmx1007M -XX:ThreadStackSize=768
> checking flags for boot jdk java command for small workloads... 
> -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xms32M -Xmx512M -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
> checking whether to use sjavac... no
> checking whether to use javac server... yes
> checking If precompiled header is enabled... yes
> checking that precompiled headers work... yes
> checking is ccache enabled... no
> checking if build directory is on local disk... yes
> checking for bundle date... configure: WARNING: Falling back on 
> default compiler for plugin
> 19_aug_2016 (generated)
> checking whether to build commercial features... yes (default)
> checking if dtrace should be built... no, overridden for closed linux 
> build
> checking whether to build JFR... yes (default)
> checking if crypto source is available... yes
> checking Checking for deploy src... found
> checking Checking for install src... found
> checking Checking for pubs src... found
> checking for plugin compiler... no
> checking plugin compiler version... 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
> checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
> configure: WARNING: PLUGIN_CC is not version 4.1.2
> checking for yuicompressor.jar... no
> checking for JavaFX... no, needed for deploy
> checking for jmc zip dir... no, JMC will not be bundled in installer 
> build, set --with-jmc-zip-dir=/path/to/jmc/zips
> checking for jdk debug image dir... from this build
> checking whether to enable tonga test build... no, asmtools not found
> checking if deploy should be built... no, missing dependency
> configure: Cannot build installer without deploy
> checking if installer should be built... no, missing dependency
> checking if pubs should be built... yes, dependencies present
> checking if source bundles should be built or imported... built
> checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
> checking if license swap for source bundles should be enabled... yes, 
> dependencies present
> checking if source bundle binaries should be included in the source 
> bundles... no
> checking JVM features for JVM variant 'server'... all-gcs cds 
> closed-src commercial-features compiler1 compiler2 fprof jni-check 
> jvmti management nmt services trace vm-structs
> configure: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/configure-support/config.status
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/spec.gmk
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/bootcycle-spec.gmk
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/buildjdk-spec.gmk
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/compare.sh
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/Makefile
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/custom-spec.gmk
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/install-spec.gmk
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/ide/deploy-netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/ide/deploy-netbeans/netbeans.properties
> config.status: creating 
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug/ide/deploy-netbeans/ide-file-targets.xml
> ====================================================
> The existing configuration has been successfully updated in
> /export/WorkSpaces/jdk9/client-jigsaw/build/linux-x86-normal-server-fastdebug 
> using configure arguments '--enable-debug'.
> Configuration summary:
> * Debug level:    fastdebug
> * HS debug level: fastdebug
> * JDK variant:    normal
> * JVM variants:   server
> * OpenJDK target: OS: linux, CPU architecture: x86, address length: 32
> * Version string: 
> 9-internal+0-2016-08-19-182640.prsadhuk.client-jigsaw (9-internal)
> Tools summary:
> * Boot JDK:       java version "1.8.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime 
> Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 
> 25.45-b02, mixed mode)  (at /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_45)
> * Toolchain:      gcc (GNU Compiler Collection)
> * C Compiler:     Version 4.8.2 (at /usr/bin/gcc)
> * C++ Compiler:   Version 4.8.2 (at /usr/bin/g++)
> Build performance summary:
> * Cores to use:   1
> * Memory limit:   2015 MB
> WARNING: The result of this configuration has overridden an older
> configuration. You *should* run 'make clean' to make sure you get a
> proper build. Failure to do so might result in strange build problems.
> The following warnings were produced. Repeated here for convenience:
> WARNING: Falling back on default compiler for plugin
> WARNING: PLUGIN_CC is not version 4.1.2

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