RFR(XXS): 8170954: non-ASCII characters in lcms and harfbuzz break Windows builds on some locales

David Buck david.buck at oracle.com
Fri Dec 9 05:00:15 UTC 2016


Phil, Thank you for the review!

 > The only question I had is that US English is
 > the only supported build environment and
 > RE builds will always use that  .. everything else is "good luck",
 > Unless something changed to affect that.

As I mentioned in the bug, we don't currently document the requirement 
to build on US English locale in any external resource that I could 
find. We may need to add something in the future, most likely on the 
official build platforms page [0]..

But even if we do decide not to "support" building on non-English 
locales in any official capacity, this "fix" is simple and safe enough 
that I strongly believe that we should still do it to make participating 
in OpenJDK easier for non-English Windows users.


[0] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Build/Supported+Build+Platforms

On 2016/12/09 12:07, Philip Race wrote:
> This is fine by me. These are imported libraries so
> we just disable the warnings rather than fix them.
> The only question I had is that US English is
> the only supported build environment and
> RE builds will always use that  .. everything else is "good luck",
> Unless something changed to affect that.
> -phil.
> On 12/8/16, 6:26 PM, David Buck wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Please review this trivial makefile change to disable a problematic 
>> warning.
>> bug report: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8170954
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dbuck/jdk8170954_ver00/
>> Cheers,
>> -Buck

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