Problem building Aarch64 hs today Internal error: Invalid feature tested: aot.

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Dec 19 10:53:49 UTC 2016

Hi Andrew,

On 19/12/2016 8:41 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
> lib/JvmFeatures.gmk:150: *** Internal error: Invalid feature tested:  aot.  Stop.

Did you do a reconfigure before building?

> This is the code in question:
> ifeq ($(call check-jvm-feature, aot), true)
> else
>       compiledIC_aot_x86_64.cpp compilerRuntime.cpp \
>       aotCodeHeap.cpp aotCompiledMethod.cpp aotLoader.cpp compiledIC_aot.cpp
> endif
> But how is this actually supposed to work?

common/autoconf/hotspot.m4 lists the potential features that may exist:

# All valid JVM features, regardless of platform
VALID_JVM_FEATURES="compiler1 compiler2 zero shark minimal dtrace jvmti 
jvmci \
     graal fprof vm-structs jni-check services management all-gcs nmt 
cds static-build aot"

so that should exported into the generated build files for use by the 
check-jvm-feature function.


> Andrew.

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