[9] RFR: 8147754: Configure fails to detect freetype installed by XQuartz on OSX 10.11

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Mon Feb 8 19:43:02 UTC 2016

Looks good to me. 


On Feb 8, 2016, 19:40, at 19:40, David DeHaven <david.dehaven at oracle.com> wrote:
>JBS link:
>Please review this small fix for locating Freetype with the updated
>version of XQuartz (for OSX 10.11):
>--- cut here ---
>diff --git a/common/autoconf/lib-freetype.m4
>--- a/common/autoconf/lib-freetype.m4
>+++ b/common/autoconf/lib-freetype.m4
>@@ -349,6 +349,14 @@
>[$FREETYPE_BASE_DIR/lib], [well-known location])
>           fi
>+          if test "x$OPENJDK_TARGET_OS" = xmacosx; then
>+            if test "x$FOUND_FREETYPE" != xyes; then
>+              # Due to changes in OSX 10.11 XQuartz now installs to
>+              FREETYPE_BASE_DIR="$SYSROOT/opt/X11"
>[$FREETYPE_BASE_DIR/lib], [well-known location])
>+            fi
>+          fi
>           if test "x$FOUND_FREETYPE" != xyes; then
>             FREETYPE_BASE_DIR="$SYSROOT/usr/sfw"
>[$FREETYPE_BASE_DIR/lib], [well-known location])
>--- cut here ---
>Tested on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) with XQuartz 2.7.8:
>$ sh ./configure
>checking for freetype includes... /opt/X11/include/freetype2
>checking for freetype libraries... /opt/X11/lib
>Build seems to work fine too.

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