Compile error on Solaris (Bad value 'wbadlkginit' for flag '-erroff')

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Thu Feb 18 20:45:34 UTC 2016

On 2016-02-18 11:17, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Thanks.
> Unfortunately, --disable-warnings-as-errors doesn't help in this case.
> If we want to still make it possible to build with 12u3 we have to
> filter out the corresponding -erroff options depending on the compiler
> version.
Due to reasons like this, we would like to support a minimal span of 
versions for the solstudio compiler. So if you are alright with 
upgrading to 12u4, we'd prefer to drop support for 12u3 completely. 
Filtering out error options like this is quite a pain, otherwise.

I believe there are few community users that care much about Solaris and 
solstudio. Had you not told me you were building on Solaris, I would 
have guessed only Oracle did so. This gives us, I believe, a better 
chance at enforcing stricter restrictions on the set of supported 
versions, compared to the situation for e.g. gcc and linux.


> At least I found a machine with SS12u4 and could verify that it builds fine.
> Regards,
> Volker
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Erik Joelsson
> <erik.joelsson at> wrote:
>> I updated the part with the compilers used by Oracle.
>> On 2016-02-18 10:13, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> thanks for the info. Can you please also update the Wiki?
>>> Regards,
>>> Volker
>>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Oh right, that wiki is not updated. We switched to SS12u4 a couple of
>>>> months
>>>> ago and I updated README-builds. I think you can get around it with
>>>> --disable-warnings-as-errors.
>>>> /Erik
>>>> On 2016-02-18 09:32, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> after integration of "8148629: Disable remaining warnings in
>>>>> awt/fontmanager" I get the following error messages:
>>>>> Bad value 'wbadlkginit' for flag '-erroff' for
>>>>> '/sapmnt/global/tools/compiler/SS12u3/SUNWspro/prod/bin/ccfe'.
>>>>> Bad value 'w_novirtualdescr' for flag '-erroff' for
>>>>> '/sapmnt/global/tools/compiler/SS12u3/SUNWspro/prod/bin/ccfe'.
>>>>> Bad value 'arrowrtn2' for flag '-erroff' for
>>>>> '/sapmnt/global/tools/compiler/SS12u3/SUNWspro/prod/bin/ccfe'.
>>>>> I'm using SS 12u3 (i.e. CC: Sun C++ 5.12 SunOS_i386 2011/11/16) which,
>>>>> according to [1] should be the supported solaris compiler for jdk9.
>>>>> Unfortunately I couldn't find any list of supported tags for the
>>>>> '-erroff' command [2].
>>>>> Any idea why I'm seeing this and how I can et rid of the problem?
>>>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>>>> Volker
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]

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