question on jigsaw build

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Jan 29 13:18:13 UTC 2016


There are no plans in this area but we are certainly open for 
suggestions. Generating IDE project files is definitely something we 
want to support. We just haven't gotten to it yet.

The removal of ALL_SRC_DIRS was for code simplification in the makefiles 
and because javac has changed the way it wants the source roots 
specified in jake. I did not realize there was an external dependency on 
this construct.


On 2016-01-25 13:43, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Hi,
> the current build system in JDK 9 has a way to recover all the source 
> dirs for a given module, by doing something like this:
> $(call ALL_SRC_DIRS,$(mod))
> That is, the build system exports a function that can be passed a 
> module name and will return all the source roots for the module with 
> that name.
> This is an extremely helpful piece of functionality when building 
> things like IDE support - as one can leverage the knowledge of the 
> build system in order to put together an IDE projects with the right 
> paths in it, regardless of the OS and ARCH (details which are all 
> taken care of by the build itself).
> I see that this functionality is now removed from the current jigsaw 
> build - which instead declares a sequence of (dynamically defined) 
> targets to compile a module with name xyz; as a result, the variables 
> containing the source roots for xyz are not exported anymore, thus 
> severely impacting usability from 3rd party build tools.
> What is the plan in this direction? Is there any talks about having 
> the build system export a pseudo API for querying variables (source 
> roots, generated sources, output dirs) for a given module w/o 
> compiling them?
> Thanks
> Maurizio

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