RFR 8148187 : Remove OS X-specific com.apple.concurrent package

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Mar 2 04:36:24 UTC 2016

> On Mar 1, 2016, at 1:16 PM, Brent Christian <brent.christian at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> A number of internal APIs were carried over into the JDK with the Apple port.  Among them was com.apple.concurrent.Dispatch.
> Supportedness has always been murky here, but Jigsaw necessitates a firmer stance.  Some of these APIs have already been removed from JDK 9 [1], some will be supplanted by new, supported APIs [2].
> As already discussed in [3] and [4], com.apple.concurrent.Dispatch is no longer in use, as far as we've been able to find. com.apple.concurrent.Dispatch and its supporting code should be removed from JDK 9.
> It turns out this opens the door for a little module pruning as well. com.applet.concurrent makes up the bulk of the jdk.deploy.osx module. All that's left is native code for libosx, a library relied on by com.apple.eio.FileManager in the java.desktop module.  By moving libosx over to java.desktop, we are able to do away with the jdk.deploy.osx module altogether.
> For your review is a webrev of this change:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bchristi/8148187/webrev.01/

It’s good to see jdk.deploy.osx finally going away.  The patch looks fine.

common/bin/unshuffle_list.txt should be adjusted as well (while this file looks like not being kept up-to-date though)

No need to submit a new webrev.


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