RFR(XS): 8166800: [s390] Top-level build changes required for Linux/s390x

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 15:22:15 UTC 2016

That would be really great!

Could you please do it in the jdk9/hs forest as that's the place where
we will need it first (i.e. when integrating the whole s390 hotspot
platform files).


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com> wrote:
> Looks ok to me. I can sponsor this tomorrow.
> /Erik
> On 2016-10-05 16:43, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can I please have a review and sponsor for the following tiny
>> top-level build change required for building the OpenJDK on
>> Linux/s390:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2016/s390x/8166800/
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8166800
>> All this change does is to add some s390-specifc C and C++ flags for
>> the Hotspot and the class-library build which do not affect any of the
>> existing platforms.
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Volker

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