using openjdk for JamVM how to

Diaz Soho soho123.2012 at
Thu Oct 20 05:57:02 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Originally , I use GNU Classpath for JamVM when  I run my Java
application. But my Java application need new classpath like Java(TM)
SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14).
My java application maynot workable with GNU Classpath. I would like
to use openjdk for that.
I use the command to run my java application on my embedded platform:
jamvm -verbose -Xbootclasspath:/usr/share/jamvm/classes:/usr/share/classpath
-jar ./my_java_app.jar

Does anyone have idea:
if I would like to use openjdk to do the same thing above, is it possible?
then how to get workable if possible?


Best Regards,

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