Query on developing OpenJDK with IntelliJ

Staffan Larsen staffan.larsen at oracle.com
Mon Sep 12 08:23:19 UTC 2016

See if this email thread helps you out:



> On 10 sep. 2016, at 17:11, Jonathan Bluett-Duncan <jbluettduncan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding setting up a particular aspect of my
> development environment for OpenJDK, and I wonder if this is the right
> mailing list for me to post such questions.
> When I open my local clone of the JDK 9 codebase as a project in IntelliJ
> Ultimate 2016.2, there are a number of places where IntelliJ gets confused
> and shows red squiggles underneath lines of code that exist in JDK 9 but
> not JDK 8. I think this is happening for a couple of reasons.
>   1. My IntelliJ project is currently setup to use my machine's installed
>   JDK 8 distribution as it's Java SDK (as it should be, to the best of my
>   knowledge).
>   2. When my IntelliJ encounters java.* classes, it refers to the java.*
>   classes in my installed JDK 8 rather than those in my JDK 9 project.
> I want to "tell" IntelliJ to use the JDK 9 java.* classes in my project,
> rather than those in my installed JDK 8, so that these red squiggles are
> eliminated, and I wonder if anyone here has come across a solution for
> doing so.
> If my query is not appropriate for this list, would you kindly let me know
> which list I should contact instead?
> Kind regards,
> Jonathan

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