Error in "exploded-image-optimize' on Ubuntu

Ted Neward ted at
Mon Apr 24 17:35:34 UTC 2017

Can you be more specific as to which features it’s lacking? (Having spent a fair amount of time on Windows in my career, I might be able to suggest some ways to work with/around it, though I’ll be the first to admit the Linux-on-Windows subsystem is new to me. The other thing is, I live in Redmond, and I have several friends who work on DotNetCore, and can maybe ask them for some ideas on how to work around whatever issues that are coming up.)

Meanwhile, I’ll see if the build works. (I’m not in front of that machine as I write this.)

Ted Neward
Author, Speaker, Mentor
t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526

On 4/24/17, 5:10 AM, "Erik Joelsson" <erik.joelsson at> wrote:

    Hello Ted,
    I do not recognize the error, but I suspect that the failing command is 
    the first time the build is running the newly built jdk to generate 
    something. Can you try this and see if that works?
    $ build/linux-x64/jdk/bin/java
    The build should work on Ubuntu 16.04 (it's what I use personally most 
    of the time). The ubuntu shell on Win10 however is not going to work. 
    It's certainly something we would like to leverage in the future, but so 
    far, it's lacking vital features to be feasible.
    On 2017-04-24 10:41, Ted Neward wrote:
    > Tried using Ubuntu 16 (in a Virtual Box image, if that makes a difference) and the Ubuntu shell in Win10, and keep getting the same error:
    > ExplodedImageOptimize.gmk:40: recipe for target ‘…/jdk_packages_attribute.done’ failed
    > Happens for any kind of configured build (fastdebug, slowdebug, release, tried all three). Not sure how to start debugging this. Hoping that somebody has seen this before and has a quick one-line fix.
    > Error messages suggest checking the build log; where is that? (I’m guessing build/<target>/build.log, but just checking to make sure there isn’t another one I should be looking at…)
    > Ted Neward
    > Author, Speaker, Mentor
    > t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526

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