Error in "exploded-image-optimize' on Ubuntu

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Thu Apr 27 09:38:22 UTC 2017

On 2017-04-26 10:32, Ted Neward wrote:
> Oh, yeah, I wasn’t trying to be all “I’m right, you’re wrong, YOU SUX” or anything like that. :-) I had a feeling you were working with the earlier version, and the Creators Update solved several of those problems, as you point out. Hopefully my reaction wasn’t taken the wrong way. If it was, I apologize.
No reason to.
> All that up-front stated, I did get stuck with the exploded-image-optimize error, but I haven’t had time to run the build again and see what parts got constructed, so as soon as I find some free time (!), I’ll give that a spin. I’m happy to act as the guinea pig and/or canary in the coal mine on this one if it helps. :-)
I installed a Windows 10 VM yesterday to try this out. I was able to 
build a JDK 10 forest without problems, producing linux-x64 binaries 
that seem to work fine. The build wasn't particularly fast though. It 
takes about the same time to build linux binaries in WSL as it takes to 
build windows binaries in Cygwin on that machine. Just running configure 
takes longer in WSL compared to Cygwin. I had hoped for speed 
improvements over Cygwin.

> Ted Neward
> Author, Speaker, Mentor
> t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526
> On 4/26/17, 1:24 AM, "Erik Joelsson" <erik.joelsson at> wrote:
>      Hello,
>      Most of my previous mail reflected experiences with the old version of
>      the linux subsystem from the anniversary edition of windows 10. I knew
>      they were working on improving it and it seems the Creators Update is
>      now live with those improvements, which is very interesting news to me!
>      That explains why running a boot jdk now works for you and why you can
>      run windows applications.
>      My comment about the limitations with environment variables was based on
>      last time I read the developers blog about the improvements they were
>      working on some months back:
>      I'm not sure if that part has been fixed but it's quite possible. My
>      previous assumptions are clearly outdated.
>      If using the subsystem Ubuntu gcc toolchain, you would naturally build
>      linux applications. To build Windows applications, we would run the
>      Visual Studio toolchain like we do today. From what I can see, you
>      should be able to build linux binaries fine now. The challenge is
>      adjusting the build system to use the linux subsystem instead of cygwin
>      when producing windows binaries. I don't expect you to solve that for us
>      though. :)
>      /Erik
>      On 2017-04-26 09:45, Ted Neward wrote:
>      > Honestly, it’s not like I’m “expecting” much, period—this is more of a “Hmmm, this should be possible, so let’s see….” kind of quest. ;-)
>      >
>      > However, I’m not under the illusion that something built using the Linux subsystem is technically a Windows application—AFAIK, anything built using the gcc chain under the Linux subsystem can only run under the Linux subsystem. I think. (That’s part of the reason to do some of this—to experiment and find out where the boundaries lie.)
>      >
>      > So step 1 is to figure out if I can get a JDK build going, and if there’s simple fixes here to unblock the process. If/when it’s not an easy fix here, then I can start talking to friends over in DevDiv inside Microsoft and try to track down who owns the Linux chain there and what, if anything, can be done to unblock without requiring massive engineering effort on Microsoft’s or Oracle’s part.
>      >
>      > Bear in mind, too, that this is a part-time project, so I may end up going about a half-dozen hours into this thing and go, “Damn, I’m outta time” and have to drop it. Hence, the search for an easy fix. :-)
>      >
>      > (By the way, for the remainder of this email, everything is implicitly referring to the Linux subsystem running in Windows 10.)
>      >
>      > I can say that from a Windows bash shell, I did get Java 8 working, so long as it was installed via the apt manager inside the Linux subsystem; “sudo apt install openjdk-8” (IIRC) worked fine, and I have a Java environment that, as far as I can tell, runs Java just fine. ( also works, by the way, which I think was what I ended up doing instead of apt-get just for easier maintenance on my end.) Getting the bootstrap JDK in place was definitely not a hard thing to do.
>      >
>      > As for running native Windows apps from the Linux subsystem, again, this isn’t a problem so long as the right binaries are found. Here’s what I mean: By nature, it seems that the bash shell implicitly combines both a Linux PATH (“/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:…”) with the surrounding Windows machine’s PATH (“C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32;…”) to create one long PATH with Unix-ified paths. (The Windows file paths are transformed into Linux subsystem paths by “mounting” drives C (and D, and E, and whatever else) under a “/mnt” directory and proceeding as normal from there.)
>      >
>      > If I’m in a bash shell, and I type “notepad”, Linux suggests installing WINE. If I’m in the same shell and I type “/mnt/c/Windows/notepad.exe”, then it fires up Notepad without a hitch. I think the key thing here is that the “.exe” part of the name is always assumed in a Windows (CMD.EXE) shell, whereas in *nix by default you need the full name. (Just trying this out, when I type “notepad.exe” without the path prefix in a bash shell, it works fine as well, assuming /mnt/c/Windows is on the PATH, which it is in my bash shell by default.)
>      >
>      > So I will assert that crossing the Linux/Windows boundary may be a lot easier than originally assumed. FWIW, in a CMD.exe shell, running “ver” tells me I’m running Windows 10.0.15063, which I believe corresponds with the “Creators Update” build of Win 10, if that makes a difference in your own testing.
>      >
>      > Ted Neward
>      > Author, Speaker, Mentor
>      >
>      > t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526
>      >
>      > On 4/25/17, 3:29 AM, "Erik Joelsson" <erik.joelsson at> wrote:
>      >
>      >      Hello,
>      >
>      >      First of all, are you expecting to build linux or windows binaries in
>      >      the ubuntu subsystem? Our interest is to use it to replace cygwin when
>      >      producing windows binaries.
>      >
>      >      In theory it should be possible to build linux binaries, but AFAIK,
>      >      current OpenJDK linux binaries crash on startup when trying to run
>      >      there, which prevents building since we need a bootjdk to run the build
>      >      (a JDK 8 boot to build JDK 9). I have not investigated this any further,
>      >      just a college's first impression when it was first released. If you got
>      >      this to work, we would likely be able to build linux binaries at least.
>      >      Though, while amusing, that wouldn't be particularly useful for me at least.
>      >
>      >      The next hurdle is crossing the linux/windows barrier again when running
>      >      native windows applications from the linux subsystem. This was not
>      >      possible at all in the current release, but I know it's being worked on.
>      >      Perhaps it even works in some kind of beta at this point. From what I've
>      >      read about it there are some limitations which would require some
>      >      trickery from us to get around. For example environment variables are
>      >      not shared between the environments.
>      >
>      >      All in all this looks like very interesting for the future.
>      >
>      >      /Erik
>      >
>      >
>      >      On 2017-04-24 19:35, Ted Neward wrote:
>      >      > Can you be more specific as to which features it’s lacking? (Having spent a fair amount of time on Windows in my career, I might be able to suggest some ways to work with/around it, though I’ll be the first to admit the Linux-on-Windows subsystem is new to me. The other thing is, I live in Redmond, and I have several friends who work on DotNetCore, and can maybe ask them for some ideas on how to work around whatever issues that are coming up.)
>      >      >
>      >      > Meanwhile, I’ll see if the build works. (I’m not in front of that machine as I write this.)
>      >      >
>      >      > Ted Neward
>      >      > Author, Speaker, Mentor
>      >      >
>      >      > t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526
>      >      >
>      >      > On 4/24/17, 5:10 AM, "Erik Joelsson" <erik.joelsson at> wrote:
>      >      >
>      >      >      Hello Ted,
>      >      >
>      >      >      I do not recognize the error, but I suspect that the failing command is
>      >      >      the first time the build is running the newly built jdk to generate
>      >      >      something. Can you try this and see if that works?
>      >      >
>      >      >      $ build/linux-x64/jdk/bin/java
>      >      >
>      >      >      The build should work on Ubuntu 16.04 (it's what I use personally most
>      >      >      of the time). The ubuntu shell on Win10 however is not going to work.
>      >      >      It's certainly something we would like to leverage in the future, but so
>      >      >      far, it's lacking vital features to be feasible.
>      >      >
>      >      >      /Erik
>      >      >
>      >      >      On 2017-04-24 10:41, Ted Neward wrote:
>      >      >      > Tried using Ubuntu 16 (in a Virtual Box image, if that makes a difference) and the Ubuntu shell in Win10, and keep getting the same error:
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > ExplodedImageOptimize.gmk:40: recipe for target ‘…/jdk_packages_attribute.done’ failed
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > Happens for any kind of configured build (fastdebug, slowdebug, release, tried all three). Not sure how to start debugging this. Hoping that somebody has seen this before and has a quick one-line fix.
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > Error messages suggest checking the build log; where is that? (I’m guessing build/<target>/build.log, but just checking to make sure there isn’t another one I should be looking at…)
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > Ted Neward
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > Author, Speaker, Mentor
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      >
>      >      >      > t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526
>      >      >      >
>      >      >
>      >      >
>      >      >
>      >      >
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >

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