JDK 10 RFR of JDK-8193208: Add additional licensing file for the JDK

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Thu Dec 14 11:38:41 UTC 2017

Looks good to me. 


> 14 dec. 2017 kl. 09:12 skrev Erik Joelsson <erik.joelsson at oracle.com>:
> Hello,
> Adding build-dev. Here is a webrev with this file and the necessary build changes to make it end up in the built images.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8193208/webrev.jdk10.01/
> /Erik
>> On 2017-12-14 06:56, joe darcy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> FYI, please review the ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO file (patch below), to live alongside the existing license-related files at the top level of the JDK repo, which clarifies the licensing of non-GPL components of the JDK.
>> Cheers,
>> -Joe
>> --- /dev/null
>> @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
>> +
>> +Certain files distributed by Oracle America, Inc. and/or its affiliates are
>> +subject to the following clarification and special exception to the GPLv2,
>> +based on the GNU Project exception for its Classpath libraries, known as the
>> +GNU Classpath Exception.
>> +
>> +Note that Oracle includes multiple, independent programs in this software
>> +package.  Some of those programs are provided under licenses deemed
>> +incompatible with the GPLv2 by the Free Software Foundation and others.
>> +For example, the package includes programs licensed under the Apache
>> +License, Version 2.0 and may include FreeType. Such programs are licensed
>> +to you under their original licenses.
>> +
>> +Oracle facilitates your further distribution of this package by adding the
>> +Classpath Exception to the necessary parts of its GPLv2 code, which permits
>> +you to use that code in combination with other independent modules not
>> +licensed under the GPLv2. However, note that this would not permit you to
>> +commingle code under an incompatible license with Oracle's GPLv2 licensed
>> +code by, for example, cutting and pasting such code into a file also
>> +containing Oracle's GPLv2 licensed code and then distributing the result.
>> +
>> +Additionally, if you were to remove the Classpath Exception from any of the
>> +files to which it applies and distribute the result, you would likely be
>> +required to license some or all of the other code in that distribution under
>> +the GPLv2 as well, and since the GPLv2 is incompatible with the license terms
>> +of some items included in the distribution by Oracle, removing the Classpath
>> +Exception could therefore effectively compromise your ability to further
>> +distribute the package.
>> +
>> +Failing to distribute notices associated with some files may also create
>> +unexpected legal consequences.
>> +
>> +Proceed with caution and we recommend that you obtain the advice of a lawyer
>> +skilled in open source matters before removing the Classpath Exception or
>> +making modifications to this package which may subsequently be redistributed
>> +and/or involve the use of third party software.

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