Building hsdis?
Andrew Haley
aph at
Sun Dec 24 08:27:44 UTC 2017
On 23/12/17 17:02, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Andrew Haley <aph at> schrieb am Sa. 23. Dez. 2017 um 12:25:
>> On 20/12/17 09:54, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>> Yes, that's exactly the issue. And it was communicated to the OpenJDK
>>> Governing Board more than two and a half years ago (see my mail
>>> "Providing 'hsdis' binaries not possible because of GPLv2/GPLv3
>>> license clash" from May 2015 [1]) and since then reiterated several
>>> times. I'll plan to raise this issue again at the public GB meeting at
>>> FOSDEM in February next year - however with very little hope that it
>>> will be resolved :(
>> How can the GB resolve it? I can't think of anything we can do.
> The GB obviously can not solve it directly in the same way it can not solve
> the (still existing) inability to push HotSpot changes or to finally create
> a Vulnerability Group.
> But it can acknowledge the problem and try to put some pressure on Oracle
> in order to work on and resolve the problem with a higher priority.
Such as what, exactly? Please propose something.
> If a part of the OpenJDK is practically unusable because of licensing
> issues I consider this inherently unhealthy. From my understanding it is
> the GB which is responsible to “oversees the structure, operation, and
> overall health of the OpenJDK”. Who else if not the GB should be qualified
> to work on resolving it?
> [1]
The GB can only solve problems which, in principle, can be solved. I
know of no reasonable way to solve this one. There are some extreme
solutions, such as re-licensing all of HotSpot, but that seems
Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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