JDK 10 build broken by "8028546: Add -source 10 and -target 10 to javac"

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Feb 1 01:41:21 UTC 2017

Hi Joe,

On 1/02/2017 11:32 AM, joe darcy wrote:
> Hi David,
> I can apply my fix for JDK-8173383: Update JDK build to use -source and
> -target 10.

That's exactly what I just discovered will fix things. :) It is reviewed 
isn't it? So I can just apply the change to my forest and commit it 
under your id etc and push everything together.


> For me, I see the normal builds as succeeding, but some fast debug
> failures, perhaps for unrelated reasons.
> At least on a local build, with 8028546 a local build worked and all
> langtools tests passed.
> I'll get 8173383 pushed shortly.
> Thanks,
> -Joe
> On 1/31/2017 5:24 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Joe,
>> I just sync'd my jdk10 forest before pushing the version 10 update and
>> related hotspot changes and now all builds are failing due to:
>> warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with
>> -source 1.9
>> error: warnings found and -Werror specified
>> Which would appear to be due to having added the -source 10 and
>> -target 10 support - probably in conjunction with the version update
>> to 10.
>> Is there a simple fix to the makefiles?
>> Thanks,
>> David

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