configure - gcc >4.6 needed for JDK9 build

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Fri Jan 27 09:42:45 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 8:13 PM, Kim Barrett <kim.barrett at> wrote:
>> On Jan 24, 2017, at 7:34 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at> wrote:
>> Hi Kim,
>> On 25/01/2017 7:25 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>>>> On Jan 23, 2017, at 5:34 AM, Mike Burton <mikeb at> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I ran an OpenJDK Hack Day session on Saturday, at which some people got stuck on lost a fair bit of time, failing to build JDK9. Then we found that updating gcc from 4.6 to 4.8 fixed it.
>>>> Could the `configure` script be updated (by running so as to check for minimum required gcc version?
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Mike Burton
>>> I don’t think there is supposed to be a requirement for gcc > 4.6 in JDK 9.  I’m pretty
>>> sure there are folks still building with older versions.  It would be helpful to know the
>>> details of the platform and the error messages that led to the conclusion that something
>>> more recent was required.
>> We may have "accidentally" moved on to gcc 4.8+. Even the ppc builds, which are still listed as using 4.1.2 on the wiki:
>> are now using 4.8.5:
>> (look at a build log)
>> So some breakage with earlier versions may have crept in. I thought I recalled a few issues but can't see any bug reports.
> The PPC build from SAP was the one I was thinking of as still being around.
> And it does seem they’ve moved on too, which is useful to know.
> So yes, entirely possible something crept in if there isn’t frequent testing.

You're right. I've updated
to match our current settings.


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