Building and installing *only* java.base

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Mon Jul 10 16:46:53 UTC 2017

Hello Anton,

We currently don't have a shortcut like that in the build system, you 
basically have to build everything. Once everything is built you can use 
jlink to create your own custom image with just the modules you like.

If you run "make java.base", you will get a runnable "exploded" image in 
build/<foobar>/jdk that contains what you just built and nothing more. 
Perhaps that's enough for what you need?


On 2017-07-10 17:23, Anton Bikineev wrote:
> Hi,
> Java 9 has done a good job of modularizing the codebase. This is great! And I need to port OpenJDK to a specific environment and want to do this incrementally. So far I've been able to build java.base successfully and now wondering, is there a way to install what has been built? I would assume the following commands would work:
> make java.base
> make install
> but the last line goes and compiles all the rest that I don't need. Does anybody how to compile and install only specific modules?
> Thanks!

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