jdk10 build : usage of -fno-var-tracking-assignments g++ flag in hotspot build

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Thu Jul 13 11:16:43 UTC 2017

Hi Erik,

> AFAIK, the only reason we support GCC versions older than 4.9 is for you 
> guys at SAP, so if you would suggest dropping support, that would of 
> course be the simplest solution.

  for jdk10  it is fine for us to  use  minimum gcc 4.8  . That would be probably the most simple solution to avoid running into the  "-fno-var-tracking-assignments"  issue
 ( I now and then run into it when I forget to set the PATH to gcc-4.8 one should use for compiling on the SLES11 machine, so I pick up instead the default gcc 4.3.4 from the machine  , 
configure works nicely and then the build fails in the middle of the HS make )



Is there right place to  adjust I think, I guess we need someone for Oracle to regenerate the generated-configure.sh files ?

Best regards, Matthias

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Joelsson [mailto:erik.joelsson at oracle.com] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017 11:59
To: Baesken, Matthias <matthias.baesken at sap.com>; 'build-dev at openjdk.java.net' <build-dev at openjdk.java.net>; 'hotspot-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Subject: Re: jdk10 build : usage of -fno-var-tracking-assignments g++ flag in hotspot build

Hello Matthias,

AFAIK, the only reason we support GCC versions older than 4.9 is for you 
guys at SAP, so if you would suggest dropping support, that would of 
course be the simplest solution.

If you want to keep support but make the use of this flag optional, the 
preferred method is to add a test in flags.m4. We have macros defined 
FLAGS_CXX_COMPILER_CHECK_ARGUMENTS would be suitable in this case. Use 
it to check if the flag is valid for the current compiler. If so, you 
can define a variable 
and empty otherwise, and in the makefile use this variable in the 

We want to avoid static shell expressions in the makefiles if possible 
and keep that kind of logic in configure. It's also better to explicitly 
check for features rather than versions.


On 2017-07-13 11:21, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Hello,  when building jdk10 on Suse Linux 11 with default gcc/g++  4.3.4 installed, I was running into
> compilation errors because of the  missing support for  g++ flag -fno-var-tracking-assignments .
> It seems gcc-4.6  has the -fvar-tracking-assignments / -fnovar-tracking-assignments  flags , see
> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.4/gcc/Option-Summary.html#Option-Summary
> I have no gcc-4.6 at hand but could verify that gcc-4.7 and gcc-4.8 "know" the flag.
> There are various solutions one could do  to avoid  the  compilation error .
> 1) disallow usage of old gcc versions here :
> autoconf/toolchain.m4
> ( e.g. change to minimum gcc   4.6 or gcc  4.7  supporting the flags used in the build )
> 2) remove the flag  -fno-var-tracking-assignments for older gcc versions here :
> (in a similar way it was done :  http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/hotspot/rev/37e693211deb  )
> hotspot/make/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk-32-ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN_TYPE), gcc)
> hotspot/make/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk:33:  BUILD_LIBJVM_vmStructs.cpp_CXXFLAGS := -fno-var-tracking-assignments -O0
> hotspot/make/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk:34:  BUILD_LIBJVM_jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp_CXXFLAGS := -fno-var-tracking-assignments
> hotspot/make/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk-35-endif
> What is your preferred solution ?
> Thanks, Matthias

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