RFR (2xS): 8181318: Allow C++ library headers on Solaris Studio

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Thu Jun 1 14:42:49 UTC 2017

> On Jun 1, 2017, at 8:33 AM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Just to be clear it is not the use of <limits> that I am concerned about, it is the -library=stlport4. It is the use of that flag that I would want to check in terms of having no affect on any existing code generation.
> I'm finding the actual build situation very confusing. It seems to me in looking at the hotspot build files and the top-level build files that -xnolib is used for C++ compilation & linking whereas -library=%none is used for C compilation & linking. But the change is being applied to $2JVM_CFLAGS which one would think is for C compilation but we don't have $2JVM_CXXFLAGS, so it seems to be used for both!
> David

Yes, it does look like there is some confusion there.

The documentation says that if using -xnolib, then -library is ignored!

Using -xnolib suppresses all the normal support libraries, and one must explicitly add back what’s needed.
And it looks like we do add -lCrun.

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