JDK / JRE jar

Dakshinamoorthi, Soundararajan DakshinS at advisory.com
Tue Jun 6 04:55:52 UTC 2017

It’s ok to install java 8 side-by-side java 6. If you are hesitant to install copy the JDK 1.8 directory from some other machine and put it in your machine (of same architecture) and setup your application path etc., to use them.


> On 06-Jun-2017, at 03:27, Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com> wrote:
> You need to install JDK 8 to run Java 8 code.
> -- Jon
> On 06/05/2017 02:47 PM, Prakhar Makhija wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could you please tell me how to make jar out of src.zip, which is placed in
>> Java installation directory?
>> Would that be enough to override the JVM of the older Java version?
>> Scenario:
>> I have say JDK 6 installed on my machine and it's path is set.
>> I have to run and deploy of Java 8 code without installing Java 8.
>> There is provision for jar to be added.
>> How to do it?
>> Is it possible?

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