CR: 8180540: Add pandoc build fix for windows
Erik Joelsson
erik.joelsson at
Fri May 19 08:01:32 UTC 2017
On 2017-05-18 19:10, Brad R. Wetmore wrote:
> On 5/18/2017 12:27 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>> Looks good. Formally, I believe someone else needs to review it.
> Hm...I would have expected your "Contributed-by" and my review would
> be sufficient (what we do for sponsoring an "author" change), but
> looks like Erik did review also so we should be fine.
> Erik wrote:
> > As long as pandoc for windows is always a windows native thing and
> > not provided by cygwin this seems good. A quick googling indicates
> > that cygwin currently does not provide pandoc so should be fine then.
> You are correct in that pandoc is not provded by cygwin, I had to
> download/install cygdrive separately (grrr...), then set the PANDOC
> configure option:
> bash configure \
> PANDOC=c:/Users/mydir/bin/pandoc.exe \
> That said, I'm not quite following your point about cygwin's
> noninclusion of pandoc here.
> The underlying issue is that the arguments being passed to pandoc
> aren't being processed correctly.
> ...deleted...
> --toc
> '/cygdrive/d/java/ws/dev/jdk/src/closed/java.base/share/specs/security/'
> -o
> '/cygdrive/d/java/ws/dev/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/support/javadoc/specs/security/standard-names.html'
> pandoc.exe:
> /cygdrive/d/java/ws/dev/jdk/src/closed/java.base/share/specs/security/
> openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
> Changing to the following worked:
> --toc
> 'd:/java/ws/dev/jdk/src/closed/java.base/share/specs/security/'
> -o
> 'd:/java/ws/dev/build/windows-x86_64-normal-server-release/support/javadoc/specs/security/standard-names.html'
> which is what FIXPATH does, IIUC.
That is indeed what fixpath does, but if pandoc was a cygwin native app,
it would accept /cygdrive/x paths. It would probably work fine with x:/
paths as well, but in some cases those windows paths do weird things.
> Thanks for the review.
> Brad
>> /Magnus
>> On 2017-05-18 02:07, Brad R. Wetmore wrote:
>>> Magnus,
>>> I've added your suggested fix to, which is the minor tweak
>>> to add @FIXPATH@ to allow pandoc to run on windows builds.
>>> I put you down as Contributed-by: with myself as reviewer, but thought
>>> you (and others?) might want to at least check it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brad
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