(10) (M) RFR: 8174231: Factor out and share PlatformEvent and Parker code for POSIX systems

Robbin Ehn robbin.ehn at oracle.com
Fri May 19 08:36:29 UTC 2017

Hi David,

On 05/18/2017 08:25 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8174231
> webrevs:
> Build-related: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8174231/webrev.top/
>        hotspot: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8174231/webrev.hotspot/

I like this, with neg delta of 700 loc, nice!

It's hard to see if you broken anything, since you combined 4 separate implementation into 1.
I guess you have tested this proper?

What stands out in os_posix.cpp is the
static void to_abstime(timespec* abstime, jlong timeout, bool isAbsolute)

The ifdef scopes of SUPPORTS_CLOCK_MONOTONIC is large and calculations are repeated 3 times.

Please consider something like:

   if (_use_clock_monotonic_condattr  && !isAbsolute) { // Why aren't we using this when not isAbsolute is set?
						       // I suggest removing that check from this if and use monotonic for that also.
      struct timespec now;
      int status = _clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
      assert_status(status == 0, status, "clock_gettime");
      calc_time(abstime, timeout, isAbsolute, now.tv_sec, now.tv_nsec, NANOUNITS);
   } else {
      struct timeval now;
      int status = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
      assert(status == 0, "gettimeofday");
      calc_time(abstime, timeout, isAbsolute, now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec, MICROUNITS);

Thanks for fixing this!


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