OpenJDK build system might need to be adapted for Sun Solaris Sparc/SmartOS
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at
Wed May 31 10:00:59 UTC 2017
On 31.05.2017 11:52, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 11:46:45AM +0200, dalibor topic wrote:
>> If you are running your own OpenJDK builds on a platform not listed on
>> such
>> as SmartOS you may need to apply additional patches outside of OpenJDK to
>> fix whatever platform-specific idiosyncrasies need fixing.
> Why is so complicated to get patches merged to support additional
> platforms? OpenJDK seems to be very unique in this regard.
It's not very complicated. Please see for general details.
When it comes to ports to new platforms, the necessary changes may be (a
lot) more invasive than a simple bugfix or two, though, so they should
go through their own Projects.
That approach allows a port's developers to focus on making their port
work well first without having to also deal with the regular influx of
other, potentially breaking changes on the JDK mainline (and vice
versa), and the specific review/integration rules in effect on the JDK
Once a port is getting ready to be merged into the JDK mainline, it can
use the JEP process to get on the roadmap to arrive there.
dalibor topic
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