build platform / compiler updates for 18.3 planned ?

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Wed Oct 18 09:13:15 UTC 2017

Hello Matthias,

We currently don't have any concrete plans on doing this for 18.3, but 
there is definitely interest in it, specifically from hotspot. I 
personally doubt there will be time to achieve it in such a short time 
frame though, so 18.9 is a more likely target.


On 2017-10-18 11:08, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Hello,
> states the list  of  supported build platforms/compilers  (for example for 9).
> Are there  compiler updates planned  for the  18.3  release  ?
> Especially is there a switch on Windows planned (from 2013SP4  to a new version of VS ) ?
> Thanks and Regards, Matthias

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