RFR: 8189706: javadoc for the Jdk APIs should summarize overridden methods with no specification changes

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
Fri Oct 20 03:40:48 UTC 2017


Please review build change to enable the javadoc tool to produce concise 
documentation for those classes that override a method without changing its
specification see [2], this change simply enables that feature in the 
javadoc tool.

diff --git a/make/Docs.gmk b/make/Docs.gmk
--- a/make/Docs.gmk
+++ b/make/Docs.gmk
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@
  # The initial set of options for javadoc
  JAVADOC_OPTIONS := -use -keywords -notimestamp \
      -serialwarn -encoding ISO-8859-1 -docencoding UTF-8 -breakiterator \
- -splitIndex --system none -html5 -javafx --expand-requires transitive
+ -splitIndex --system none -html5 -javafx --expand-requires transitive \
+ --override-methods=summary

  # Should we add DRAFT stamps to the generated javadoc?
  ifeq ($(VERSION_IS_GA), true)


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8189706
[2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187386

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