RFR (L, tedious again, sorry) 8189610: Reconcile jvm.h and all jvm_md.h between java.base and hotspot

coleen.phillimore at oracle.com coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Mon Oct 30 12:13:45 UTC 2017

On 10/28/17 3:50 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Coleen,
> I've commented on the file location in response to Mandy's email.
> The only issue I'm still concerned about is the JVM_MAXPATHLEN issue. 
> I think it is a bug to define a JVM_MAXPATHLEN that is bigger than the 
> platform MAXPATHLEN. I also would not want to see any change in 
> behaviour because of this - so AIX and Solaris should not get a 
> different JVM_MAXPATHLEN due to this refactoring change. So yes I 
> think this needs to be ifdef'd for Linux and reluctantly (because it 
> was a copy error) for OSX/BSD as well.

#if defined(AIX) || defined(SOLARIS)
// Hack: MAXPATHLEN is 4095 on some Linux and 4096 on others. This may
//       cause problems if JVM and the rest of JDK are built on different
//       Linux releases. Here we define JVM_MAXPATHLEN to be MAXPATHLEN + 1,
//       so buffers declared in VM are always >= 4096.

Is this ok?

> Thanks,
> David
> On 28/10/2017 12:08 AM, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>> On 10/27/17 9:37 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> On 27/10/2017 10:13 PM, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> On 10/27/17 3:23 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> Hi Coleen,
>>>>> Thanks for tackling this.
>>>>>> Summary: removed hotspot version of jvm*h and jni*h files
>>>>> Can you update the bug synopsis to show it covers both sets of 
>>>>> files please.
>>>>> I hate to start with this (and it took me quite a while to realize 
>>>>> it) but as Mandy pointed out jvm.h is not an exported interface 
>>>>> from the JDK to the outside world (so not subject to CSR review), 
>>>>> but is a private interface between the JVM and the JDK libraries. 
>>>>> So I think really jvm.h belongs in the hotspot sources where it 
>>>>> was, while jni.h belongs in the exported JDK sources. In which 
>>>>> case the bulk of your changes to the hotspot files would not be 
>>>>> needed - sorry.
>>>> Maybe someone can make that decision and change at a later date. 
>>>> The point of this change is that there is now only one of these 
>>>> files that is shared.  I don't think jvm.h and the jvm_md.h belong 
>>>> on the hotspot sources for the jdk to find them in some random 
>>>> prims and os dependent directories.
>>> The one file that is needed is a hotspot file - jvm.h defines the 
>>> interface that hotspot exports via jvm.cpp.
>>> If you leave jvm.h in hotspot/prims then a very large chunk of your 
>>> boilerplate changes are not needed. The JDK code doesn't care what 
>>> the name of the directory is - whatever it is just gets added as a 
>>> -I directive (the JDK code will include "jvm.h" not "prims/jvm.h" 
>>> the way hotspot sources do.
>>> This isn't something we want to change back or move again later. 
>>> Whatever we do now we live with.
>> I think it belongs with jni.h and I think the core libraries group 
>> would agree.   It seems more natural there than buried in the hotspot 
>> prims directory.  I guess this is on hold while we have this 
>> debate.   Sigh.
>> Actually with -I directives, changing to jvm.h from prims/jvm.h would 
>> still work.   Maybe we should change the name to jvm.hpp since it's 
>> jvm.cpp though?   Or maybe just have two divergent copies and close 
>> this as WNF.
>>>> I'm happy to withdraw the CSR.  We generally use the CSR process to 
>>>> add and remove JVM_ interfaces even though they're a private 
>>>> interface in case some other JVM/JDK combination relies on them. 
>>>> The changes to these files are very minor though and not likely to 
>>>> cause any even theoretical incompatibility, so I'll withdraw it.
>>>>> Moving on ...
>>>>> First to address the initial comments/query you had:
>>>>>> The JDK windows jni_md.h file defined jint as long and the hotspot
>>>>>> windows jni_x86.h as int. I had to choose the jdk version since 
>>>>>> it's the
>>>>>> public version, so there are changes to the hotspot files for this.
>>>>> On Windows int and long are always the same as it uses ILP32 or 
>>>>> LLP64 (not LP64 like *nix platforms). So either choice should be 
>>>>> fine. That said there are some odd casting issues I comment on 
>>>>> below. Does the VS compiler complain about mixing int and long in 
>>>>> expressions?
>>>> Yes, it does even though int and long are the same representation.
>>> And what an absolute mess that makes. :(
>>>>>> Generally I changed the code to use 'int' rather than 'jint' 
>>>>>> where the
>>>>>> surrounding API didn't insist on consistently using java types. We
>>>>>> should mostly be using C++ types within hotspot except in 
>>>>>> interfaces to
>>>>>> native/JNI code.
>>>>> I think you pulled too hard on a few threads here and things are 
>>>>> starting to unravel. There are numerous cases I refer to below 
>>>>> where either the cast seems unnecessary/inappropriate or else 
>>>>> highlights a bunch of additional changes that also need to be 
>>>>> made. The fan out from this could be horrendous. Unless you 
>>>>> actually get some kind of error - and I'd like to understand the 
>>>>> details of those - I would not suggest making these changes as 
>>>>> part of this work.
>>>> I didn't make any change unless there was was an error.  I have 100 
>>>> failed JPRT jobs to confirm!  I eventually got a Windows system to 
>>>> compile and test this on.   Actually some of the changes came out 
>>>> better.  Cases where we use jint as a bool simply turned to int.  
>>>> We do not have an overload for bool for cmpxchg.
>>> That's unfortunate - ditto for OrderAccess.
>>>>> Looking through I have a quite a few queries/comments - apologies 
>>>>> in advance as I know how tedious this is:
>>>>> make/hotspot/lib/CompileLibjsig.gmk
>>>>> src/java.base/solaris/native/libjsig/jsig.c
>>>>> Took a while to figure out why the include was needed. :) As a 
>>>>> follow up I suggest just deleting the -I include directive, delete 
>>>>> the Solaris-only definition of JSIG_VERSION_1_4_1, and delete 
>>>>> everything to do with JVM_get_libjsig_version. It is all obsolete.
>>>> Can I patch up jsig in a separate RFE?  I don't remember why this 
>>>> broke so I simply moved JSIG #define.  Is jsig obsolete? Removing 
>>>> JVM_* definitions generally requires a CSR.
>>> I did say "As a follow up". jsig is not obsolete but the jsig 
>>> versioning code, only used by Solaris, is.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/cpu/arm/interp_masm_arm.cpp
>>>>> Why did you need to add the jvm.h include?
>>>>    tbz(Raccess_flags, JVM_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT, unlocked);
>>> Okay. I'm not going to try and figure out how this code found this 
>>> before.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/os/windows/os_windows.cpp.
>>>>> The type of process_exiting should be uint to match the DWORD of 
>>>>> GetCurrentThreadID. Then you should need any casts. Also you 
>>>>> missed this jint cast:
>>>>> 3796         process_exiting != (jint)GetCurrentThreadId()) {
>>>> Yes, that's better to change process_exiting to a DWORD.  It needs 
>>>> a DWORD cast to 0 in the cmpxchg.
>>>>          Atomic::cmpxchg(GetCurrentThreadId(), &process_exiting, 
>>>> (DWORD)0);
>>>> These templates are picky.
>>> Yes - their inability to deal with literals is extremely frustrating.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_Canonicalizer.hpp
>>>>>   43 #ifdef _WINDOWS
>>>>>   44   // jint is defined as long in jni_md.h, so convert from int 
>>>>> to jint
>>>>>   45   void set_constant(int x)                       { 
>>>>> set_constant((jint)x); }
>>>>>   46 #endif
>>>>> Why is this necessary? int and long are the same on Windows. The 
>>>>> whole point is that jint hides the underlying type, so where does 
>>>>> this go wrong?
>>>> No, they are not the same types even though they have the same 
>>>> representation!
>>> This is truly unfortunate.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_LinearScan.cpp
>>>>>  ConstantIntValue((jint)0);
>>>>> why is this cast needed? what causes the ambiguity? (If this was a 
>>>>> template I'd understand ;-) ). Also didn't you change that 
>>>>> constructor to take an int anyway - not that I think it should - 
>>>>> see below.
>>>> Yes, it caused an ambiguity.  0 matches 'int' but it doesn't match 
>>>> 'long' better than any pointer type.  So this cast is needed.
>>> But you changed the constructor to take an int!
>>>  class ConstantIntValue: public ScopeValue {
>>>   private:
>>> -  jint _value;
>>> +  int _value;
>>>   public:
>>> -  ConstantIntValue(jint value)         { _value = value; }
>>> +  ConstantIntValue(int value)          { _value = value; }
>> Okay I removed this cast.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/ci/ciReplay.cpp
>>>>> 793         jint* dims = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(jint, rank);
>>>>> why should this be jint?
>>>> To avoid a cast from int* to jint* in the line below:
>>>>           value = kelem->multi_allocate(rank, dims, CHECK);
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/classfile/altHashing.cpp
>>>>> Okay this looks more consistent with jint.
>>>> Yes.  I translated this from some native code iirc.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/code/debugInfo.hpp
>>>>> These changes seem wrong. We have:
>>>>> ConstantLongValue(jlong value)
>>>>> ConstantDoubleValue(jdouble value)
>>>>> so we should have:
>>>>> ConstantIntValue(jint value)
>>>> Again, there are multiple call sites with '0', which match int 
>>>> trivially but are confused with long.  It's less consistent I agree 
>>>> but better to not cast all the call sites.
>>> This is really making a mess of the APIs - they should be a jint but 
>>> we declare them int because of a 0 casting problem. Can't we just 
>>> use 0L?
>> There aren't that many casts.  You're right, that would have been 
>> better in some places.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/code/relocInfo.cpp
>>>>> Change seems unnecessary - int32_t is fine
>>>> No, int32_t doesn't match the calls below it.  They all assume _lo 
>>>> and _hi are jint.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.hpp
>>>>> I see a complete mix of int and jint in this class, so why make 
>>>>> the one change you did ??
>>>> This is another case of using jint as a flag with cmpxchg. The 
>>>> templates for cmpxchg want the types to match and 0 and 1 are 
>>>> essentially 'int'.  This is a lot cleaner this way.
>>> <sigh>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
>>>>> 1700     tty->write((char*) start, MIN2(length, (jint)O_BUFLEN));
>>>>> why did you need to add the jint cast? It's used without any cast 
>>>>> on the next two lines:
>>>>> 1701     length -= O_BUFLEN;
>>>>> 1702     offset += O_BUFLEN;
>>>> There's a conversion from O_BUFLEN from int to long in 1701 and 
>>>> 1702.   MIN2 is a template that wants the types to match exactly.
>>> $%^%$! templates!
>>>>> ??
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciRuntime.cpp
>>>>> Looking around this code it seems very confused about types - eg 
>>>>> the previous function is declared jboolean yet returns a jint on 
>>>>> one path! It isn't clear to me if the return type is what should 
>>>>> be changed or the parameter type? I would just leave this alone.
>>>> I can't leave it alone because it doesn't compile that way. This 
>>>> was the minimal change and yea, does look a bit inconsistent.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/opto/mulnode.cpp
>>>>> Okay TypeInt has jint parts, so the remaining int32_t declarations 
>>>>> (A, B, C, D) should also be jint.
>>>> Yes.  c2 uses jint types.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/opto/parse3.cpp
>>>>> I agree with the changes you made, but then:
>>>>>  419     jint dim_con = find_int_con(length[j], -1);
>>>>> should also be changed.
>>>>> And obviously MultiArrayExpandLimit should be defined as int not 
>>>>> intx!
>>>> Everything in globals.hpp is intx.  That's a thread that I don't 
>>>> want to pull on!
>>> We still have that limitation? <double sigh>
>>>> Changed dim_con to int.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/opto/phaseX.cpp
>>>>> I can see that intcon(jint i) is consistent with longcon(jlong l), 
>>>>> but the use of "i" in the code is more consistent with int than jint.
>>>> huh?  really?
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/opto/type.cpp
>>>>> 1505 int TypeInt::hash(void) const {
>>>>> 1506   return java_add(java_add(_lo, _hi), java_add((jint)_widen, 
>>>>> (jint)Type::Int));
>>>>> 1507 }
>>>>> I can see that the (jint) casts you added make sense, but then the 
>>>>> whole function should be returning jint not int. Ditto the other 
>>>>> hash functions.
>>>> I'm not messing with this, this is the minimal in type fixing that 
>>>> I'm going to do here.
>>> <sigh>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp
>>>>> I think vm_created should be a bool. In fact all the fields you 
>>>>> changed are logically bools - do Atomics work for bool now?
>>>> No, they do not.   I had thought bool would be better originally too.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvm.cpp
>>>>> is_attachable is the terminology used in the JDK code.
>>>> Well the JDK version had is_attach_supported() as the flag name so 
>>>> I used that in this one place.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiEnvBase.cpp
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiImpl.cpp
>>>>> Are you making parameters consistent with the fields they initialize?
>>>> They're consistent with the declarations now.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiTagMap.cpp
>>>>> There is a mix of int and jint for slot in this code. You fixed 
>>>>> some, but this remains:
>>>>> 2440 inline bool CallbackInvoker::report_stack_ref_root(jlong 
>>>>> thread_tag,
>>>>> 2441 jlong tid,
>>>>> 2442 jint depth,
>>>>> 2443 jmethodID method,
>>>>> 2444 jlocation bci,
>>>>> 2445 jint slot,
>>>> Right for consistency with the declarations.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/perfData.cpp
>>>>> Callers pass both jint and int, so param type seems arbitrary.
>>>> They are, but importantly they match the declarations.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/perfMemory.cpp
>>>>> src/hotspot/share/runtime/perfMemory.hpp
>>>>> PerfMemory::_initialized should ideally be a bool - can 
>>>>> OrderAccess handle that now?
>>>> Nope.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/java.base/share/native/include/jvm.h
>>>>> Not clear why the jio functions are not also JNICALL ?
>>>> They are now.  The JDK version didn't have JNICALL.  JVM needs 
>>>> JNICALL.  I can't tell you why JDK didn't need JNICALL linkage.
>>> ?? JVM currently does not have JNICALL. But they are declared as 
>>> "extern C".
>> This was a compilation error on Windows with JDK.   Maybe the C code 
>> in the JDK doesn't complain about linkage differences. I'll have to 
>> go back and figure this out then.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/java.base/unix/native/include/jni_md.h
>>>>> There is no need to special case ARM. The differences in the 
>>>>> existing code were for LTO support and that is now irrelevant.
>>>> See discussion with Magnus.   We still build ARM for jdk10/hs so I 
>>>> needed this conditional or of course I wouldn't have added it.  We 
>>>> can remove it with LTO support.
>>> Those builds are gone - this is obsolete. But yes all LTO can be 
>>> removed later if you wish. Just trying to simplify things now.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/java.base/unix/native/include/jvm_md.h
>>>>> I know you've just copied this across, but it seems wrong to me:
>>>>>  57 // Hack: MAXPATHLEN is 4095 on some Linux and 4096 on others. 
>>>>> This may
>>>>>   58 //       cause problems if JVM and the rest of JDK are built 
>>>>> on different
>>>>>   59 //       Linux releases. Here we define JVM_MAXPATHLEN to be 
>>>>> MAXPATHLEN + 1,
>>>>>   60 //       so buffers declared in VM are always >= 4096.
>>>>>   61 #define JVM_MAXPATHLEN MAXPATHLEN + 1
>>>>> It doesn't make sense to me to define an internal "max path 
>>>>> length" that can _exceed_ the platform max!
>>>>> That aside there's no support for building different parts of the 
>>>>> JDK on different platforms and then bringing them together. And in 
>>>>> any case I would think the real problem would be building on a 
>>>>> platform that uses 4096 and running on one that uses 4095!
>>>>> But that aside this is a Linux hack and should be guarded by ifdef 
>>>>> LINUX. (I doubt BSD needs it, the bsd file is just a copy of the 
>>>>> linux one - the JDK macosx version does the right thing). Solaris 
>>>>> and AIX should stay as-is at MAXPATHLEN.
>>>> All of the unix platforms had MAXPATHLEN+1.  I'll leave it for now 
>>>> and we can investigate that further.
>>> I see the following existing code:
>>> src/java.base/unix/native/include/jvm_md.h:
>>> src/java.base/macosx/native/include/jvm_md.h
>>> src/hotspot/os/aix/jvm_aix.h
>>> src/hotspot/os/bsd/jvm_bsd.h
>>> #define JVM_MAXPATHLEN MAXPATHLEN + 1  // blindly copied from Linux 
>>> version
>>> src/hotspot/os/linux/jvm_linux.h
>>> src/hotspot/os/solaris/jvm_solaris.h
>>> This is a linux only hack (if you ignore the blind copy from linux 
>>> into the BSD code in the VM).
>> Oh, thanks, so should I add a bunch of ifdefs then?  Or do you think 
>> having MAXPATHLEN + 1 will really break the other platforms?  Do you 
>> really see this as a problem or are you just pointing out inconsistency?
>>>>>  86 #define ASYNC_SIGNAL     SIGJVM2
>>>>> This only exists on Solaris so I think should be in #ifdef 
>>>>> SOLARIS, to make that clear.
>>>> Ok.  I'll add this.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> src/java.base/windows/native/include/jvm_md.h
>>>>> Given the differences between the two versions either something 
>>>>> has been broken or "extern C" declarations are not needed :)
>>>> Well, they are needed for Hotspot to build and do not prevent jdk 
>>>> from building.  I don't know what was broken.
>>> We really need to understand this better. Maybe related to the map 
>>> files that expose the symbols. ??
>> They're needed because the JDK files are written mostly in C and that 
>> doesn't complain about the linkage difference.  Hotspot files are in 
>> C++ which does complain.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> That was a really painful way to spend most of my Friday. TGIF! :)
>>>> Thanks for going through it.  See comments inline for changes. 
>>>> Generating a webrev takes hours so I'm not going to do that unless 
>>>> you insist.
>>> An incremental webrev shouldn't take long - right? You're a mq 
>>> maestro now. :)
>> Well I generally trash a repository whenever I use mq but sure.
>>> If you can reasonably produce an incremental webrev once you've 
>>> settled on all the comments/issues that would be good.
>> Ok, sure.
>> Coleen
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Coleen
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>> -----
>>>>> On 27/10/2017 6:44 AM, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>   Hi Magnus,
>>>>>> Thank you for reviewing this.   I have a new version that takes 
>>>>>> out the hack in globalDefinitions.hpp and adds casts to 
>>>>>> src/hotspot/share/opto/type.cpp instead.
>>>>>> Also some fixes from Martin at SAP.
>>>>>> open webrev at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/8189610.02/webrev
>>>>>> see below.
>>>>>> On 10/26/17 5:57 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
>>>>>>> Coleen,
>>>>>>> Thank you for addressing this!
>>>>>>> On 2017-10-25 18:49, coleen.phillimore at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Summary: removed hotspot version of jvm*h and jni*h files
>>>>>>>> Mostly used sed to remove prims/jvm.h and move #include "jvm.h" 
>>>>>>>> after precompiled.h, so if you have repetitive stress wrist 
>>>>>>>> issues don't click on most of these files.
>>>>>>>> There were more issues to resolve, however.  The JDK windows 
>>>>>>>> jni_md.h file defined jint as long and the hotspot windows 
>>>>>>>> jni_x86.h as int. I had to choose the jdk version since it's 
>>>>>>>> the public version, so there are changes to the hotspot files 
>>>>>>>> for this. Generally I changed the code to use 'int' rather than 
>>>>>>>> 'jint' where the surrounding API didn't insist on consistently 
>>>>>>>> using java types. We should mostly be using C++ types within 
>>>>>>>> hotspot except in interfaces to native/JNI code.  There are a 
>>>>>>>> couple of hacks in places where adding multiple jint casts was 
>>>>>>>> too painful.
>>>>>>>> Tested with JPRT and tier2-4 (in progress).
>>>>>>>> open webrev at 
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coleenp/8189610.01/webrev
>>>>>>> Looks great!
>>>>>>> Just a few comments:
>>>>>>> * src/java.base/unix/native/include/jni_md.h:
>>>>>>> I don't think the externally_visible attribute should be there 
>>>>>>> for arm. I know this was the case for the corresponding hotspot 
>>>>>>> file for arm, but that was techically incorrect. The proper 
>>>>>>> dependency here is that externally_visible should be in all 
>>>>>>> JNIEXPORT if and only if we're building with JVM feature 
>>>>>>> "link-time-opt". Traditionally, that feature been enabled when 
>>>>>>> building arm32 builds, and only then, so there's been a 
>>>>>>> (coincidentally) connection here. Nowadays, Oracle does not care 
>>>>>>> about the arm32 builds, and I'm not sure if anyone else is 
>>>>>>> building them with link-time-opt enabled.
>>>>>>> It does seem wrong to me to export this behavior in the public 
>>>>>>> jni_md.h file, though. I think the correct way to solve this, if 
>>>>>>> we should continue supporting link-time-opt is to make sure this 
>>>>>>> attribute is set for exported hotspot functions. If it's still 
>>>>>>> needed, that is. A quick googling seems to indicate that 
>>>>>>> visibility("default") might be enough in modern gcc's.
>>>>>>> A third option is to remove the support for link-time-opt 
>>>>>>> entirely, if it's not really used.
>>>>>> I didn't know how to change this since we are still building ARM 
>>>>>> with the jdk10/hs repository, and ARM needed this change.  I 
>>>>>> could wait until we bring down the jdk10/master changes that 
>>>>>> remove the ARM build and remove this conditional before I push. 
>>>>>> Or we could file an RFE to remove link-time-opt (?) and remove it 
>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>> * src/java.base/unix/native/include/jvm_md.h and 
>>>>>>> src/java.base/windows/native/include/jvm_md.h:
>>>>>>> These files define a public API, and contain non-trivial 
>>>>>>> changes. I suspect you should file a CSR request. (Even though I 
>>>>>>> realize you're only matching the header file with the reality.)
>>>>>> I filed the CSR.   Waiting for the next steps.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Coleen
>>>>>>> /Magnus
>>>>>>>> bug link https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8189610
>>>>>>>> I have a script to update copyright files on commit.
>>>>>>>> Thanks to Magnus and ErikJ for the makefile changes.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Coleen

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