[RFR]: 8187004: No valid toolchains defined for BSD

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Tue Sep 12 10:04:59 UTC 2017

On 06.09.2017 06:39, Greg Lewis wrote:
> This is accurate.  We haven't attempted to pass the JCK for any port more
> recent than Java 5 IIRC.  At that point we did get a port that had passed,
> but that required a lot of work which was sponsored at the time by the
> FreeBSD Foundation.  I'm not aware of anyone attempting it since.


>> One of the conditions for getting a port into JDK mainline has been that
>> it should actually pass the JCK for the current version. I think that's
>> a low enough bar that should remain in place for JDK 9 and beyond.
> FWIW, I agree that is a completely reasonable bar to meet.  Unfortunately
> with the lack of time of the people involved it has been difficult to meet
> this.  I expect this will again require a funded effort to again have
> someone be able to devote enough time to actually meet this bar.  The
> points below only serve to reinforce that.  In "funded effort" I'm
> including making it part of somebodies paid job to get the port passing
> the JCK and ensure it continues to do so as needed.

Thanks, Greg. I hope that you'll be able to either find an organization 
willing to sponsor/fund the effort or suitable volunteers, or, ideally, 

dalibor topic

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