Supported platforms

Simon Nash simon at
Mon Apr 9 16:12:38 UTC 2018

On 09/04/2018 08:55, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> Simon,
> On 2018-04-08 16:30, Simon Nash wrote:
>> On 05/04/2018 02:26, bren at wrote:
>>> Many thanks with the link about the Platforms supported:
>> This appears to be a list of the platforms that are supported 
>> (certified) by
>> Oracle.  Where can I find the list of platforms that are supported by
>> OpenJDK?  For example, what about the following platforms that don't 
>> appear
>> on the Oracle list:
>> Windows x86
>> Linux x86
>> aarch32 (ARMv7 32-bit)
>> aarch64 (ARMv8 64-bit)
>> Are all these supported for OpenJDK 9, 10 and 11?
> There is actually no such thing as a "supported OpenJDK platform". While 
> I hope things may change in the future, OpenJDK as an organization does 
> not publicize any list of "supported" platforms. Oracle publishes a list 
> of platforms they support, and I presume that Red Hat and SAP and others 
> do the same, but the OpenJDK project itself does not.
> With that said, platforms which were previously supported by Oracle 
> (like the one's you mentioned) tend to still work more-or-less well, but 
> they receive no or little testing, and is prone to bit rot.
> /Magnus
Thanks for this.  I think I should clarify what I mean by a supported
platform.  This would be a platform for which bugs affecting the ability
to build a working OpenJDK binary for that platform would be considered
valid by the OpenJDK community and a user-submitted patch to fix such a
bug would be considered for integration into the OpenJDK codebase.


>> Simon

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